
What are other jobs that Refs do in the wrestling ring?

by  |  earlier

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I know they do count outs, see if you are ready to give in on a submission move, the the pin counts (123), and check to see if the wrestler is alright.

But every time I watch wrestling, they seem to be doing more than what we all think on TV.

What are other jobs do you think they are doing besides whar we all see on TV?




  1. To favor the faces than the heels .

    Say when a heel has a face into the corner,the referee breaks up the attack as soon it happens,BUT when a face does it,the referee just sits back and have a smoke break...

    When a heel has a pin fall, the referee takes forever and a day with a three count, when a face has a pin fall, it has to be the world's fastest three count in wrestling history .

  2. they also make sure no one is doing anythin illegal

    other jobs are giving them blood capsules or razors to get the blood we see on wrestlers

  3. The referee is actually a huge part of the match as the connection between both wrestlers and between the wrestlers and backstage. During the match, a referee often helps the other wrestlers communicate to each other. For example, one wrestler may tell the referee about a certain upcoming move, which he will relate to the other wrestler. Also, their reactions and such often help tell the story of a match, even to the point of getting involved. A distracted referee might allow a heel to get heat if he cheats while the ref's back is turned, and a knocked out ref allows even crazier things. A referee also helps out the wrestlers at times if he sees something that should be called to a wrestler's attention.

    Also, in some promotions, a referee will have an earpiece that lets him hear some of the backstage workers. Those people will often give him messages to be told to the wrestlers. For example, the backstage workers might tell the referee that the match needs to end soon, so the ref goes to the wrestlers and tells them to finish up the match.

    They also are the first help for when a wrestler is legitimately injured, as he often give the signal to bring out the medical workers for an injury. Like when Candice Michelle first injured her collarbone from that nasty fall in the match with Beth Phoenix, the referee told Beth how to handle her and finish up the match before signaling the back to send out the medics.

    A referee does a lot more than people think, actually helping the wrestlers turn out good matches through their experience, and acting as a liason between wrestlers and backstage workers.

  4. Taco Bell

  5. i know for a fact they determine when the match ends they go in and tell the wrestlers to end it now or give it another 10 minutes the match is scripted in a way of who wins but the moves arent scripted i saw this on a video on youtube the wrestlers work together the annoucers play a big role aswell by if they throw up 1 finger it means 5 more minutes 2 fingers means 10 minutes and if they throw up the pen end it now the refs also pass the wrestlers the little blade to cut themselves thats the first video of 6 or 7 i think

  6. They carry razors to give wrestlers so they can bleed.

    they get instructions from people backstage through their earpiece to tell the wrestlers certain things such as "finish up the match now".."finish in so much time with this move" A referee does alot more than the naked eye thinks

  7. HEED:  Upcoming is possible fantasy detroying contents.  If too young, please do not view.

    They actually have an earpiece and someone from the back talks to them throughout the match.  And when it seems like the fans are losing interest or the show is going too long, then the ref would go to the wrestlers and tell them to wrap it up.  

    Also apparently, they would aid wrestlers in the "blading" technique.  Refs apparently hold little blades for wrestlers to cut themselves.

    The refs are huge in making matches go smoothly.

  8. if theres goin to be a hardcore match they stock the weapons under the ring they count to 10 if the wrestlers go outside they watch for rope breaks they stop the wrestlers from pulling hair hitting in the grion using the ropes as levrage using the ropes to choke someone they also act as security for  fights that shouldnt happen like cena and batista this week

  9. some other things is if the wrestler is in the corner and choking or punching the opponent then the ref will count to 5 or if the wrestler goes up on the turnbuckle for a high risk move, then the ref will count to 5 both are DQs if you get a 5 count they hold up the wrestlers arm 3 times when the wrestler is in a submission move and most important one they keep track of DQs like if you knock them out on purpose or if they use a foreign object in a sanctioned match  


    go there its all ull need

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