
What are our imagination and visions made of?

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Is it an imprint in our DNA of some previous orders for us to go through or do?

I mean we all folow our dream and visions, most leaders have a vision and we the people follow them.

Also most of profets the leaders of our cultures in our world have lead us to their visions!

What do you think about it.

I do not necesarily want to see this under the god conotation.

If anythink why do some peoples dreams capture the world and some just die in silence, even nightmares included!




  1. Shadows &Stardust

  2. Purpose.  

    For without purpose you can have neither one.

  3. i do beleive thats true ,i think its how much you mind consumes the vision some have visions and dreams that last for a day a week or so but some have them consume  every thought no matter how hard you try not to think about it always has away of popping up becomes apart of you like a religon i gess you can say  

  4. Such dreams and vision are made up of the life that we have capacity for, but that we have not been able to grow up to realise, to live. But if you do not want to see this under the connotations of God then see you must, for then you will be abler to decide if it was really bad.

    We through our desires, dreams and ambitions, through our visions of inspiration, guidance and hope, seek to find the self, the purpose of life, we search ourselves in our vision and dreams, but we find ourselves in the reality of our dreams, in the things we achieve along the paths of our visions, in thing we have and in things we actually manage to do.

    For some people the search comes to an once a desire or a dream has been fulfilled, but for some others the search goes on, for some people, few fact in truth are not enough, they want to know the truth; people the golden thread of hope lead beyond the reality of their self, to the reality of a supreme existence they come to believe in.

    When there are people who capture our imagination with the brilliance of their vision then we know that those are the people who have seen beyond the needs of their physical existence, they have known the self, and through that they have know us, and our world. When we find people who have enabled us to see the visions of the reality of our existence, then those are the people who have seen the reality itself in the communion with the supreme self in existence.

    Ordinary minds do not seek beyond the immediacy of their need, where they might find all they want, but not all they need, and if all they need, then not all they could have. This normal for people to develop a common sense of a physical nature, of possessions, of status, of physical power, of resources, and thereupon of lust, greed and avarice, but then such mind stays confined therein, unable to see beyond the wall of their containment, such mind fall victim all the vicissitude of mater, to it natural ebbs and flows of fame and fortune, disease and health.

    A mind, that on the other hand, is raised to seek loftiness of its natural capacities, of high dimensions, through its heavenly dreams and divine visions, might live in the same physical world with other people, but will be seen differently.

  5. Please watch this video of a fascinating lecture by Vilayanur Ramachandran who is an eminent Neuroscientist and great speaker.

    This will go a long way to explaining the answer to your question if the answer you want is how the brain works with our imaginations, it is really worth a bit of your time.

    having just re-read your question the lecture may be a bit too specific/medical if what you are talking about is visions of society and culture.

    So if that's the case I will say that many people have great visions for the future and great ideas that would help society but many things must align for the person to enable the ideas to be transmitted in the right manner to capture the imagination of a receptive audience. Many visionary people are thought odd and even crazy if the social climate is not ready for their radical ideas.

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