
What are over-the-counter pills you can and should not snort?

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My friend has been experimenting with pills. He crushes them to a fine powder then snorts them with some form of rolled up paper... like a straw type thing...

I've watched him do it before and, where as I only do minor drugs, I am concerned with him doing those things.

I know that he has crushed up Melanonin (which is a natural sleeping pill) as well as some pain-meds like Hydroco, Lorotab, and such...

I just want to know what he should and should not snort... for him and for me (if I ever wanted to try it...)

ps: before I ever try anything I try and get as much information as I can >< ^^

pps: Does crushed Tylenol do anything? What about Cymbalta and Wellbutrin XL (depression meds)

Thanks for your responses.




  1. you nose is a filter for all the thing in teh air yo should breathe.  Ever been at a camp fire Then had to blow your nose afterwards.  Well it&#039;s als most black. cause you boggies filter the smoke.  Anyway he is forming bad habbit that have an addictive personality.  NOthing goes up your nose.  except nasil spray.  Don&#039;t be fool &amp; do just cause a freind is be wise procect your health &amp; your life your future.

  2. Your friend is abusing drugs and is on his way to becoming an addict, if he is not already.

    If ingesting the medicine through nasal cavities was beneficial it would come in powder form from the pharmacy.  

    But they don&#039;t, they come in pill form, meant to be ingested orally.

    And by the way....he is your friend but life with an addict is VERY difficult.

    You didn&#039;t cause it, you can&#039;t control it and you can&#039;t cure it.

    If this person refuses help you may want to seriously consider detaching with love.

    Good luck


  3. OMG -- your friend is going to really hurt himself! I&#039;m soo sorry that you got into this in the first place...  please don&#039;t go any further than you already did.  ... Learn to get off on other things, maybe skydiving, white water rafting, or even just be bored, but please don&#039;t hurt yourself with this... I hope you can trust someone enough maybe to help you, and as for your friend: don&#039;t try and figure out what else he could do,Take him to get help!!!

  4. People who dont know about drugs should not be messing with them.

    You ask about crushed tylonal?  There is nothing narcotic in tylonal, why would that do anything?

    Crushing the pill and snorting it gets the med into your system extremly fast, resulting in the rush or high.

    Hydrocodone and loritobs are the same thing.  The hydrocodone is the generic, loritab the brand name.  

    Melatonin is a sleep aid, but it is only going to work in people who have melatonin deficeincy.

    Anti depressants are only going to create a high if you dont need them.  If you are clinically depressed, or currently taking the meds (and most drug abusers are) snorting an anti depressant will not do anything for you.

  5. I wouldn&#039;t suggest snorting anything.  I can&#039;t imagine why your friend is doing it and I don&#039;t know what snorting OTC medicines would do to you when they are made to be swallowed.  Some antidepession medications have a long list of side effects, at the top of which is usually suicidal thoughts among young people.  What your friend is doing and you are considering may be very dangerous.

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