
What are people's opinions of the NUT strike planned for Thursday?

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As a student in an important exam year (taking AS exams in 3 weeks -one of the key things universities look at when making offers) I think it is ridiculous hat so many people will miss lessons at such a crucial time in the school year. I agree that teachers are a valuable service to the country and do deserve a pay rise above inflation, but I think that striking is rather childish way to achieve it. Pulling a stunt like this now is very bad timing and could cause considerable disruption to learning towards exams. I have further objection in that the strike is going ahead despite a turnout of just 30% in the ballot, with 3 in four voting for strike. This amounts to just 23% of members of the NUT being in favour, which does not by any standards give a proper mandate for strike action to be taken. Many teachers at my school feel pushed into the strike by other NUT members, and some are scheduling extra lessons at lunchtimes to make up for it. I am interested to hear teachers' opinions...




  1. Id ask for my tuition refund for that day.

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