
What are people's thoughts on egg donation?

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I'm contemplating on becoming a donor.




  1. Before becoming an egg donor, you should understand each step of the human egg donation process. It is a very serious and sensitive matter for the donor as well as the recepient.The ideal donor is a woman who is reliable and interested in helping women overcome their infertility. f you are interested in becoming an egg donor, the first step is to undergo medical and psychological screening to ensure that you are a good candidate for the human egg donation process.

    The medical questionnaire will ask you about your past fertility and gynecological background, whether your family has a history of any genetic diseases, and about your current history of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug usage. It is essential that you are completely honest in these questionnaires, as prospective egg recipients may choose you as an egg donor on the basis of your answers. They also request that the egg donors complete a personal questionnaire to give recipients additional insight into the donor's life and personality. Medical testing will be completed after you are chosen to confirm the results of the initial screening.  Once you have passed the initial human egg donation screening, you will be placed in our egg donor database. This database displays vital statistics about each donor such as ethnicity, height, weight, and eye color, as well as some information on interests and hobbies. Though most non-physical traits such as hobbies cannot be passed to genetic offspring, many egg recipients like to choose an egg donor who has a similar background and set of interests to their own.

    If a recipient couple chooses you as their egg donor, you will be required to undergo testing for blood type, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and HIV. Additional tests may include one for cystic fibrosis if you are Caucasian, or one for sickle cell anemia if you are African-American.

    After you have been chosen for the egg donation process, the fertility specialists at the Center for Assisted Reproduction will synchronize your menstrual cycle with that of the recipient. To achieve this, you will be using either oral contraceptives (birth control pills) or a vaginal contraceptive ring containing synthetic hormones similar to those in birth control pills.

    To stimulate your ovaries so they produce several eggs at once, you will be administered hormones called follicle stimulating hormone. These injections will be administered to you daily at CAR.

    The stimulation phase of the human egg donation process takes 10 to 14 days. During this time period, you should abstain from sexual activity, as you are very fertile during this time. To preserve the health of your growing eggs, you may not take contraceptive drugs or many over-the-counter and prescription drugs. We will provide you with a list of medications that are allowable.

    The last step of becoming an egg donor is the surgery needed to retrieve the mature eggs from your ovaries. After you are sedated, the doctor will direct a thin needle through your v****a to harvest the eggs. To ensure precise movement, the operation is guided by ultrasound imaging.

    Because you will have been sedated, plan on recovering at the clinic for a few hours after your surgery. You should bring someone with you so they can drive you home and help you recover for the rest of the day.

    Post-Retrieval Follow-Up

    The doctors at the Center for Assisted Reproduction take every step to make sure that both donors and recipients are well cared for at every step of the egg donation process. In addition to frequent monitoring and checkups during the synchronization and stimulation procedures, you will be asked to come back to the clinic for a follow-up visit in the week or two after retrieval.

    Egg donation can be a highly rewarding experience. The overwhelming majority of women who choose to participate in the human egg donation process report that they are emotionally fulfilled in knowing that their donated eggs have helped a couple to achieve the miracle of conception and childbirth.

  2. My best friend has gone through most of the process, but never finished because she ran into some technical problems she got a little lazy to fix--she said so herself! She considered it because she never wants to have children so she doesn't mind that she only has a certain amount of eggs in her lifetime. They pay really well, about $6000 for your donation. Personally, I think it is a great way to help someone have a child of their own. The process is a little tedious and there is a bit of discomfort, but in the long run you are doing something wonderful for someone else.

  3. That is one way of multiplying your gene pool without going through the pain of child birth. I have only seen it on TV but the harvesting of the eggs looks quite unpleasant. If i were a girl unless I was in desperate need of money I would not do it.

    Definitely not for free.

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