
What are people doing to stop paparazzi?

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What laws or things like that are people trying to make to stop paparazzi and who are they




  1. Nothing because Lilo has gone g*y and Brittney isn't acting a fool anymore. JUUUUUUST KIIIIIIDDDDING

  2. You really can't stop the media from trying to report celebrity's s*x and personal lives. There's a few reasons why:

    1. The public loves this stuff. Whenever Britney Spears flashes her b***s or Lindsay Lohan gets caught for DUI or something like that, the public goes wild and the media earns a c**p load of money.

    2. The government cannot make laws to prohibit the media from reporting stuff. That would be censorship. And that's exactly what a so-called "free country" needs to avoid.

    So my conclusion is there's no laws or things that people are doing to stop paparazzi from chasing Nicole Richie for 50 blocks just to get stupid picture. It's just the way the world turns and there's really not stopping it.

  3. well, the government cannot ban them because of freedom of the press. the ones that can stop them is us. i plan on personally suing all tabloid companies. i think that what they do is sick and wrong. i know that some of the things celebrities do is wrong, (although some things they do to keep the paparazzi away)  tabloid companies don't need to be making up stories about it and paparazzi don't need to be getting payed for the pictures.  

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