
What are people from Rio de Janeiro called?

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I'm not asking a joke.




  1. The people from the city of Rio de Janeiro are called cariocas. The people from the state of Rio de Janeiro are called fluminense.

  2. Lucky.

  3. If from Rio de janeiro city, they are called "carioca". It's the guarani word for "white house", because the houses built by the Portuguese settlers were white.

    If from the State of Rio de Janeiro, a person is called "fluminense". "Rio de Janeiro" means "January River", because when the Guanabara Bay, where Rio stands, was discovered, the navigators thought it was a river head, and it occurred in the month of January. Anyway, in Latin, river is "Flumis", so "Fluminense" are the people from the river, or from Rio.

  4. Brazilians

  5. Carioca is a person born in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The word comes from the indigenous dialect of Tupi-Guarani, and means white men's home ( home=oca, white man=cari ).

    It is said that the first Europeans' (white men) dwellings in that area were placed along a limpid brook, which soon got the name Carioca (River) as well. Later, its waters would be (wrongfully) praised as bearing healing properties, in such an exaggerated way that it caused locals to be ironically nicknamed cariocas by people in other regions.

  6. Carioca(s)

    but since no one but brazilians know the term, I'd use "people from Rio" in regular conversations.

  7. Quem nasce no estado do Rio de Janeiro é chamado de "carioca".

    Funny... who don't live here (in Brazil) always do these kind of joke. Names like these are normal from here. There are another states capitals very curious: "Porto Alegre"RS, "Belo Horizonte"MG, "Salvador"BA e cities "13 de maio" etc...

  8. no you pplz.. the brazilian term is  Cariocas !!

  9. brazilian

  10. Cariocas

  11. Hot

  12. Hispanic.

  13. Fun loving and s**y.

  14. rio de jan's

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