
What are people most scared of in Obama?

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I think he is full of potential and a reliable person that I believe in his reasoning. I am also a conservative.




  1. raising taxes and he wants our guns and he wants to stop breeding in pit bulls and german shepards and boxers . also he wont stop nafta and hes inexperienced. we need some one who knows what to do with the wars  not a cut and run man

  2. The thing that scares me most is his policies especially universal health care.

  3. I am a foreigner from the East, and we in the East are closely watching what is going to happen in the West and be prepared.

    It is good to have a change and Obama is an outstanding person, ready to be the President.  I think the most scared of in Obama, not only the American, it also concern the Eastern & all parts of the World are:

    1)  He is black and so must do a very careful task of not as a black.  He shd work as a white do and take care of the poor & the black to neutralise the effect which is hundred of years old.

    2)  Still no change -- too strong on the issue of Iraq & Iran.  Think of another way to solve the situation and the pain.

    3)  Tone down the Big Brother Attitude of US and work in same level with others.

    4)  Look at history of US and we hope things do not go wrong with sudden happening ----all others worried.

    Good luck to all and hope for a total change in US.

  4. And it must be fear to spawn such irrational things as the smear campaign against him claims.

  5. his blackness.

  6. When one is full of vengeance coupled with ego, he is a danger.  Bin Laden is on the path of hate and have recruited others to make war upon the earth, first off the United States.  His war is within himself and he wants the lives of thousands, millions in his treasurer chest.  He makes up his own religion to give him a god-like appearance to his followers.  They would die for their messiah.  People are afraid of his potential to maim and kill.  Do you want to wear a bomb, kill hundreds and when you die go to heaven and be waited upon with 10 virgins?  If so, you would be recruitable.

  7. People still believe he is some crazy closet Muslim terrorist waiting to take over the country or something pretty much all because of his middle name. Crazy people. You ought a have normal middle name I guess, like W.

  8. The man doesn't scare me one bit because I know he'll become a worthy President, at least ten times better than Jr.

  9. The Thing they can't handle- Most; Change.

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