
What are people seeking in religion that other parts of social life cannot provide?

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What are people seeking in religion that other parts of social life cannot provide?




  1. i alway see religious people as needing or wanting, stability, something to lean on, a point to return to. i've often said on here about religious people not being able to cope with life and it's problems with their own inner strength. not being able to decide for themselves without having to refer to religious laws and rules.

    social life does not provide a means for people to find their own inner strengths, morals, directions to live. religious people seem to me to not have a real inner self to turn to. no moral standards built up through realising the difference between right and wrong without having this book of religious rules.

    i won't say religion is wrong, having it shoved down your throat is. being told you'll suffer in h**l is wrong. i have read religious books and articles and still no-one can persuade me to hand my life over to a religious belief.

    i summarise by saying that society does not provide the means for people to find their own inner strengths, morals and standards to live a good life by.

  2. Content with death and hope for more than is offered on this earth.

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