
What are people that eat no sugar called?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a scientific type word!




  1. Everyone eats sugar.  There are natural sugars in much of the food we eat.  There is no word for it because it doesn't exist.

  2. Slim!

  3. Practically everything you eat has sugar. From fruits to veggies to grain. Your body converts foods into sugars to fuel your cells. As one poster mentioned, a term probably does not exist.

    There are some docs who prescribe a no sugar, no flour diets. But these are sugars found in junk and processed foods.

    It is a vegetarian question because it involves foods that are very much a part of the vegetarian diet. Some people need to think beyond their narrow-minded prejudices

  4. Non sugar eaters.   Not even remotely related to vegetarianism.

  5. crazy

  6. Sometimes a vegan will not consume sugar.  They will use Stevia which is a substitute found at the health, store instead.

  7. you mean diabetics?

    if you do, then they do eat surgar, it's just their blood levels can go really high or really low, so they just have to be careful and watch how much they eat of it.

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