
What are peoples views regarding internet radio?

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What are peoples views regarding internet radio?




  1. Yo yo,

    I think most of 'em suck. Pandora suck because they can't get their music right, and the rest of 'em just have a very limited musical knowledge.

    the only two that work are LastFM and MeeMix, both have some decent heavy metal. they're the only two I can stand..

  2. I love it because I broadcast my internet radio show on the internet. The great thing is people from all over the world can hear my show. I promote the show all over the internet and anyone from anywhere can tune in and listen. I love how that goes it makes things easier.

  3. I think its great. It has made music available to many people, music that you couldn't get anywhere else.

  4. WMP!!

    Cool Way to get radio

  5. If it doesn't come through the air, it ain't RADIO.

  6. I'm not a fan of it. Unless it has good programming. I am a believer in satellite radio. I think satellite would be more sucessful if internet radio wasn't around. Not a fan, and thats my opinion.

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