
What are plant vectors?

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Plant pathology




  1. In a broad sense, a vector is a measurement of magnitude and direction of any change.

    If we are tracking spread of a plant disease, an insect effecting plants, or spread of weeds, we can express that movement in terms of a directional group of vectors... our measurements of intensity and direction of the movement.

  2. Plant vectors are alternate hosts for organisms that cause plant diseases.

    An example is Black Currant being the host for one stage of the White Pine Blister Rust fungus.



    The rust diseases usually require two different hosts to complete their life cycles. The host of lesser economic importance is usually called the alternate host. Rust fungi get their common name from the rusty orange color of their spores during at least one of their fruiting stages. They derive their nourishment from living plant cells, so they die if their hosts die.

    White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola) - Exotic


    White pine blister rust is an exotic disease introduced from Europe at the turn of the 20th century that kills white pine of all ages. Economically, it is one of the most important forest diseases in North America. In the fall the fungus attacks the needles. Over the next year or two, the fungus spreads toward the branches and trunk. Orange pustules develop on the bole and exude a liquid form of spores in mid summer. The following spring, these spores cause white blisters to form on the bark. The white fruiting bodies give rise to a canker. The leaves above the canker die and cause the branch or stem to break, thus providing a point of entry for the decay fungus. The white fruiting bodies in turn produce orange spores that will be disseminated by the wind and infect plants in the Ribes (red currant, gooseberry and black currant) family; thereby promoting the rapid spread of the disease over considerable distances. Finally, in late summer or early fall, some filamentous fruiting bodies develop on the leaves of the Ribes. A last type of spores is produced and serves to transmit the disease to other white pines perpetuating the cycle (more).

  3. A plant vector is something that facilitates a transfer of something from one plant to another one. Used in plant pathology, an insect may feed on a plant with a virus, then feed on a different clean plant and transfer the virus to the healthy plant. The insect would be the vector.

  4. Plant vectors are generally insects which transfer the microorganisms or pathogens (bacteria, fungi(spores), and viruses from the host plant or infected plant to the healthy plant and spread the infection.

    The term is used in plant pathology and covers many flies, aphids and beetles.

  5. she asked for plant vector ...not disease vector

    something that facilitates the spread of plants. wind ,water, animals.

  6. If you payed attention in Calculus class you wouldn't ask such a stupid question!

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