
What are pomegranites?

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just wondering




  1. a type of fruit

  2. They are delicious that's what they are!!! u have got to try it.

    here check out this link, its all you need to know

  3. pomegranites are fruit..they are medium size, but they are soooo good. they have only seeds in them that you suck the juice out. it really good i suggest you try a pomegranite juice or something then try it!!! here: theres a picture of it

  4. omg, they are so good! they are a dark red fruit that you eat the seeds out of. haha i agree with tay that they are a pain to eat, but they are sooo good!

    here are some pics:

    hope this helped!!!

  5. Pomegranates are a round redish/purplish fruit.. full of tiny seeds.. the fruit part surrounds the tiny seeds.. they are  total pain to try and eat..haha

  6. pomegranites are a fruit it is big and red. cut it open it has dozens of these little bead like juice filled bubbles. They are delicious. They are a little sour though. You should really try one!

  7. Pomegranates are a fruit; it's covered in a thick, leathery peel, and inside are hundreds of juice filled seeds. They originated in the middle east and were imported to the US, where currently California and Arizona are growing trees and producing juice. It's considered a 'super-fruit' for its antioxidant properties; it's very good for you. The juice is sweet and tart, and it's kinda hard to get the stains out of any cloth you may spill it on. They're typically a fall fruit, and I like 'em :)

    You can find out more on Wikipedia:


  9. It's a fruit that you peel the skin off of to eat.  There are tiny seeds inside that are kind of sour, but kind of dry tasting like cranberry juice.  The seeds are really juicy though.

    It's an aphrodisiac!

  10. it is a fruit that has red seeds in it and you eat the seed which are covered with its juice... its pretty good

  11. they are a winter fruit that is grown on a decorative tree.They are a real pain to peel and extract the seeds but they have a lot of nutritional value


    They are fruit.

    It's also a nickname I used to call my little Pomeranian dog :)
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