
What are possible jobs if your a full time student?

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im a senior in hs but trying to prepare myself. I want to do 15units a semester but hold down a job. i have big expenses to pay for. im going to attend a junior college. and live with family.

car note-190. car insurance-250. gas-160 (take bus 2 days out of week). hair/ nails-100. phone bill-60.=760. i like clothes and shoes. but i know i wont spending money on that. my mother wont let me have full time job. and i refuse her to give me money besides money for classes.

i need a job badly that will this amount a month.

any suggestions?




  1. food service is a good job for students. But not fast food, that is minimum wage.  I am talking about food server in a restaurant with tips.  They have flexible hours so you can work nights and weekends.  With the tips, you dont have to work so much and you can still make decent money.  I put myself through college as a waitress every weekend.

  2. Can't you save some money and do your nails yourself? I would recommend this.  You'll save like 40? a month.  I doubt you'll be able to continue paying your car insurance. To make 760 dollars a month, you'll have to work about 20 hours a week (10 dollars an hour, before taxes).  I work 30 hours a week  at 10 an hour and I make almost 1000 a month after taxes.  Books will cost you around 500 a semester too.  Just apply for work and take whatever you can get.  Finding a job is always challenging.  Make sure to follow up on your applications.

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