
What are possiblities of Real Vampires ?

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so if you are going to ask yes i read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and plan on reading Breaking Dawn when it arrives. No I am not a no life wannabe. What are the serious possiblities of actual vampires? I myself, understand partially it could, but yet I started believeing in more truth to mythology than realized, because I found I have pyschic abilities, and have actually frightened a few doctors with readings, or answering their unvocalized questions. But vampires, There are people who, feel weak without a daily support of something bloody to eat or drink, and i understand you will bring up hemoglobin. People in my family are like that, needing a life force like blood to stay healthy, with no trace of any blood related disease. I myself went to being a vegitarian for a while, seeing the poor animals hurting. But i found without some meat, like my personal favorite, steak, i become weak and unresponsive to a point But I like my steak very pink and with some blood yet uncooked out of it.




  1. there peple who drink blood and vampire bats for sure/

    Are the beings depicted in myth real i tend to think so but cant offer any proof.


    see if that answers your question :)

  3. Uhh yeah lol

    I'm an energy vampire.

    It's not like how it is in the movies or books or anything.


  4. well lets see from what ive read and heard vamps are real to some extent. but there's really no changing into a bats sleeping in coffins and all that good stuff.however  there are what u call phsyic vamps but they are more energy suckers rather then blood suckers. they can be bad and good depending on how they choose to "feed". vampirism can be eplained logically or nonrealiticlly. there are some people who just say that when you need blood you just have some blood defecinty but depending on how you look at it and how you view it vampires can exist. the thing is that vampire might actaully walk among us and we dont even know it we always try to find logic or reason  to everthing but there are just times when you need to let go of all that and just belive in the impossoble. i hope that answered your question sorry it was long

  5. Vampires are real but not like Dracula. This people just have a thirst for blood they can be in the sun nothing different really......just normal people for that have blood carvings..... they ask people on the street can they cut them and drink there blood....surprisingly some say yes because people vampires drink the cholesterol's out of them..and they do it with a knife so sharp you wont fill the pain of being cut.

  6. You need iron in your diet, either that or B-12 orcertain protiens

  7. anything such as that is possible myths and legend had to have started from something and a long time ago in a time of war there was the library of alexander in time of war it fell and all the knowledge was lost now we are relearning all of that centuries and centuries of knowledge thats probably why most things you hear about like vampires and magic and things are myths and legends

  8. Theres no such thing as vampires. People that drink blood are real, but no one can change into a bat.

  9. There are NO vampires but there are people who act as vampires and drink blood, I knew two people who did!.

  10. We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age and we aren't immortal.

  11. Yes. There are online and real world communities of real vampires. They're nothing like fictional ones, though. Real vampires are people who need small amounts of blood or vital energy (also called prana, chi, qi, psi or auric energy) from other people, because they sort of "leak" their own or burn through it somehow.

    For some people, vampirism seems to run in their family. You may be such. Many real vampires like rare steak, but so do non-vampires. Some real vampires also choose to be vegitarians (not eating meat). One can get whatever they crave that's in rare meat by taking iron suppliments and eating other prana-rich roods such as fresh fruit, fresh veggies and yogurt. Any foods that are still alive (yogurt) or really fresh have vital energy in them. Real vampires often do well to eat these kinds of foods. These foods are healthy for non-vampires to eat too.

    Email me if you like, and check out my links below.

    - P.

    Edit to Who Me?: I'm 43 years old and have been in the same full-time laboratory job for over 12 years. I've been psi-vampiric since I was a teenager, but didn't believe it and repressed it until last year. I didn't "grow out of" this. I just finally accepted it.

  12. The possibility of vampires being real is the same as the possibility of mermaids being real, none.  Once you go out into the real world, have to find a job and show up to work each day on time to earn a living and pay your bills you'll outgrow this nonsense as will all of the little girls who keep asking about becoming a mermaid.

  13. --PLEASE READ THIS--Hello, I am a paranormal investigator/hunter in training, and I would be more than glad to tell you what a vampire is. Now first, what a vampire is NOT. They are not people who have pale skin, gorgeous features and humans that drink blood. A real vampire...well, first, please, I am stating the truth so nobody give me a bad rating..please, anyways. A real vampire is a demon, cursed to drink blood when they were thrown out of the garden of Eden. Not all demons are vampires. Lilith was the first, according to many mythological tales and firsthand hunting experiences. A vampire is an ordinary demon while in demon/spirit form. It cannot drink blood while in that form. But once it possesses a dead body, it will be able to drink blood and much more. No blood drinking demon can ever possess a live human. They have the power of illusion, and can look like your mother or your children within a split second...Now theres a whole branch of study towards them, all funded by the governments of each country. The governments hire paranormal investigators and hunters to keep track of these creatures. But now, with current physical conditions such as global warming and the Anti-Christ coming....It's getting harder. Anyways, thats all from the top of my brain Its the basics. Please email me at, and I will be happy to tell you s much as I can, including information on werewolves, demons, wendigos, skinwalkers, witches, the paranormal activity within the government and everything . Thank you for your time, and please, even if you do not believe me, at least keep the information in check..Also, look up "Blood Drinking Demons in Persian Mythology"...they were in many different cultures, but I prefer Persian.....

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