
What are preteens interested in?

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I help run a girls night out program for a YMCA. The age group I will be working with is 11-14 year olds. I need some new topics for discussion. Our past topics include: friendship, respect, integrity, nutrition, and hygiene. Any ideas on new topics? Would internet safety be good?




  1. ask them what they want to talk about u might get some good ideas from them

  2. They're probably pretty interested in shopping, so being responsible with money might be a good topic too.  

    Maybe explain advertising gimmicks and the ways the stores are set-up to trick you into thinking you're getting bargains where you're not.  

    Internet safety is definitely important this day and age.

  3. Preteens are most interested in becoming teenagers. Don't do anything to encourage them. Stay away from clothes and makeup. On the other hand, now is the time for them to learn about peer pressure. What would they do if asked to do something wrong by a friend ? who do you turn to if a friend has a problem with drugs or an eating disorder? Also, they are probably about to enter the world of shopping on their own. Teach them to read ads, compare prices,budget and set priorities. For fun, cooking and some kind of craft.

  4. Harry Potter or books in general, cooking, fashion (and dressing appropriately), internet safety is great, colleges, what high school is like, camping, crocheting, exercise

  5. Bullies,schoolwork,internet,typing,and Elvis.

  6. it depends if your trying to teach them lessons they can learn watching barney then do the same thing every adult does like the Internet safety thing or if your not just talk about how to make your hair healthier or skincare tips or how to make their boring clothes funner. that kinda stuff

  7. Internet and its dangers is indeed excellent topic..another one i have in mind is about  definition of a crush,infactuation,love..these girls would love it as they are very aware of the opposite s*x by that age..

  8. s*x, boys, their future

  9. yes net saftey would be good and so would be make up making it look subtle and not cheep bring in seventeen magizines and discusse their topics there pretty impotant take my advice im in that age group

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