
What are quacker and monk parrots aloud to eat please so as much sourses as you can thanks?

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What are quacker and monk parrots aloud to eat please so as much sourses as you can thanks?




  1. Hi, I have 2 Quaker parrots.  What you feed them is your choice but they eat many things.  Green veggies is always good: broccoli, green beans, peas.  Also any veggies they like--carrots, squash, cauliflower, corn and peppers but not the seeds.  Fruits are fine but NO apple seeds.  Those contain arsenic and can kill--overall I would avoid giving seeds and just give the fruit.  My pair love blueberries and canteloupe.  

    I also feed mine a pellet diet, zupreem and a seed mix that is low on sunflower seeds.

    NO Caffeine, avocado or sugar if you don't have to.  They are prone to fatty liver disease so take it easy on peanuts and oils.  If it's bad for a human, it's bad for your parrot.  All things in moderation, naturally.

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