
What are quaker parakeets supposed to eat?

by Guest66805  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about getting one but I don't know if they can eat regular parakeet food, or if that's not what you are supposed to give them.




  1. Quakers are prone to fatty liver disease, so you don't want to give them a all seed diet- they are very high in fat. I feed all my quakers sunseed vita parrot mixed with goldenfeast schmidtt's original. goldenfeast is a human grade food with no additives. It is a granola based mix with over 40 ingredients. We feed fresh food in the morning and in the evening. We chop strawberries, melon, whole wheat breads, beans, whole grain pastas,  bell peppers, corn, carrots, blue berries or whatever fruits or veggies are in season. I do not give my birds a pelleted diet...I only add a few zupreem pellets to their food for flavor. Pellets are processed and have too many addatives that are not good for birds. Quakers usually should be fed a cockatiel or smaller course parrot mix...make sure that you use a higher quality blend like kaytee, sunseed, or harrison's, the higher quality blends also have fruit and veggie pieces in them. Quakers will pig out on sunflower seeds which aren't the best for them...try to limit thier sunflower seed intake. Good luck with your new quaker! They make wonderful pets, they are amazing little birds.

  2. judging from their name id say oatmeal

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