
What are "hot spots"?

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I was reading a magazine and it mentioned a crean for hot spots on horses. What are they and how do they cause problems?




  1. they're things where they interview people. this means they want to like check out the horse and qualify it for some contest perhaps. It's like you're getting put on the hot spot to be noticed or known more by the peers around you.

  2. I had a horse that was having hot spot problems last year.  There was  not cream or lotion or pills that could cure them.  He developed these hot spots over night it seemed.  If you checked him daily, the spot would look normal but there would be heat, the next day the spot was swollen some, then it would weep and Matt the hair.  Then it would dry and take about a week to dry up then another would pop up.  The vet said that he did not know what caused them other than an environmental problem.   By the end of the summer, through trial and error the only thing that seemed to put an end to this was bathing the horse in apple cider vinegar as well as splashing it on top of his feed.  This spring I have started feeding him the vinegar with his feed and so far he has had no hot spots

  3. They are areas of recurrent irritation and skin outbreaks usually due to allergic reactions or an underlying internal problem.

    Quite common in dogs but I have never heard of horses having them before.
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