
What are "hypertextual links"?

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I'm doing for an English assignment, and I have no idea what it means..... It has something to do with rhetoric delivery though




  1. damnnnnn

    whatever that dude wrote is true for the first answer

    but i'll make it shorter =]

    it's a button on link that goes to another page

    on the computer  

    likeeeee.... uhm... seee that button on the very top?

    that said " Sign Out, My Account"

    if you click that it would go to a different url

  2. i hope i never get ur class

    hey though u used to go online to my spac.....every day back in like i think freshman-sophmore year even though u hadd schoool

    how come now you never go on at all anymore?

  3. checking

    Web definitions for hypertext:

    # Transparent linkage of textual documents to other related documents on the World Wide Web.

    # Text with links to other text. Documents written as hypertext contain text that when "clicked on" by the user with a mouse, links to other documents.

    # Hypertext is the organization of information units into connected associations that a user can choose to make. An instance of such an association is called a link or hypertext link. (And the highlighted word "link" in the previous sentence is an example of a hypertext link.)

    # Is a system that links text, graphics, music, and software to each other in a non-linear manner. AKA Hypermedia

    # Any text within a document that is linked to another location. The other location could be within the same document, or a different document. Clicking hypertext with your mouse will activate the link. This glossary is made up of hypertext, containing many links.

    # Documents or other information with embedded links that enable a reader to access tangential information at specific points in the text.

    # A system of writing and displaying text that enables the text to be linked in multiple ways, to be available at several levels of detail, and to contain links to related documents.

    # On the World Wide Web, hypertext is the primary way to navigate between pages and among Web sites. Hypertext on Web pages has been expanded to include hyperlinks from text, from a picture or a graphic, and from image maps.

    # Term coined by Ted Nelson around 1965 for a collection of documents containing cross-references or "links" which, with the aid of an interactive browser program, allow the reader to move easily from one document to another.

    # A system that links text, pictures, and programs in a file so that, when selected, it automatically displays a related file. ...

    # A special type of database system, invented by Ted Nelson in the 1960s, in which objects (text, pictures, music, programs, and so on) can be creatively linked to each other.

    # Clickable text on a web page that takes the user to another place on the same page, another page or another site. Usually identified by being blue and underlined.

    # A method of presenting computerized information that allows the display of documents in an associative way that mimics the human structuring of ideas, as opposed to the linear model of speech or writing.

    # A system for retrieving information from servers on the Internet using World Wide Web client software. Hypertext consists of key words or phrases in a WWW page that are linked electronically to other Web pages. The term was coined by pioneering engineer Ted Nelson.

    # A form of text which includes visible links to other pages of text or media, accessible by clicking or selecting the links.

    # A word or phrase in an HTML document that is highlighted to enable users to navigate or jump to another Web page when they click on it. The word or phrase generally appears underlined or in a color on the user's computer screen.

    # A way of presenting information online with connections (called hypertext links) between one piece of information and another.

    # A hypertext document is like a text document with the ability to contain pointers to other regions of (possibly other) hypertext documents.

    # A link between one document and other related documents elsewhere in a collection. By clicking on a word or phrase that has been highlighted on a computer screen, a user can skip directly to files related to that subject.

    # A method or organizing text that allows it to be accessed in a non-linear fashion.

    # machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized so that related items of information are connected; "Let me introduce the word ...

    # Hypertext most often refers to text on a computer that will lead the user to other, related information on demand. Hypertext represents a relatively recent innovation to user interfaces, which overcomes some of the limitations of written text. ...

    # Text, in a form readable by a web browser, in which the reader may navigate from one passage to another by clicking on hyperlinks within the text

    If I had to simplify it, I would say that hypertext is the joint or connector that allows a person to connect to other information on the Internet. But that's from somebody who uses them, not a scholar or anything.

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