
What are "radio remote" locations?

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What are "radio remote" locations?




  1. Do you mean what is a radio remote? That usually refers to a radio station taking its little van out and doing a broadcast from a sponsors location or from a specific event. Its like when a radio station does two hours from a Toyota delearship or does three hours from the car show, that is what the term "remote" refers to.

  2. a radio remote is when the on air person does a live broadcast somewhere other than the studio they normally do their show. this is when they do listener parties or special broadcasts. its called a "remote" because they are on the road

  3. Both are correct and an excellent way for the station to make friends in the community and money from the advertiser. In return the advertiser draws people to their place of business.

    It's a great place for radio wannabes t hang out to see how it all works and maybe do soem gofer work with the goal of eventually getting a job in the biz.

    ALSO a completely different definition: It is also a remote site, away from the usual studio, from which the station can be operated in case of emergency such as the transmitter site during a flood or tornado.

    Sometimes it is the main studios, where special equipment has been installed so that the transmitter can be operated, changed or shut down by a licensed operator at the studio rather than making a trip (usually) half way up a muddy mountain road.

    -a guy named duh

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