
What are rafter ties?

by Guest65650  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find out what exactly rafter ties are? All I know is that they have to do with construction.

Thanks, I'm not very handy so this is alot of help; I'm trying to learn!!




  1. They are metal tabs that are used to secure the rafters (roof suppoprt) to the top plate (top part of the wall).

    The ties have a number of small holes in them. Each hole should have one nail in it for it to be properly installed

  2. they are a metal bracket that get nailed or screwed to the wall plate and the rafter. the rafter is the frame that goes from the top of the wall up to the top of the roof to a board called the ridge board. There are a couple of types of rafter ties out there and they are found in places like Home Depot Lowes and most hardware stores. They are mostly sold under the brand name Simpson.
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