
What are railroads?

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what do railroads do?




  1. commonly known as trains and or train tracks or a company that owns a train system

  2. The invention of the steam locomotive (the machine that pulls the train) in the early 1800s brought on a new means of transporting goods and, of course, people. Earlier railroads were horse drawn. The term railroad means exactly what it says. Two steel rails are laid on cross ties, and then "nailed" down with spikes, thus forming a road, or pathway, for which a train to follow. The distance between the rails is called the gauge. The wheels on the trains have a lip on the inner side of them, keeping them on the tracks. There are many different gauges throughout the world, so not all rail cars can run anywhere. In the early 1900s, the Age of Steam was in its prime, with railroad companies such as the Pennsylvania Railroad, the B&O, and the New York Central competing for passenger and freight service like never before. Locomotives were getting bigger and more efficient, and speed became of the essence.  Today, the only railroad to employ a steam locomotive is the Union Pacific. Diesel-powered locomotives pull todays passenger and freight trains. The airplane and ocean liner have made passenger trains nearly obsolete. However, freight trains still provide a critical means of transporting cargo and goods across the continent.

  3. Railroads haul what other means of transportation can't haul, in much larger quantities. They move 42% of all goods throughout the United States, the rest is split up between automotive, boating, and aviation transportation. Without the railroads, the country and economy would "move" a lot slower.

  4. They, ah, run around the internet asking dumass questions. OH no wait, RAILROADS, I thought.....ah HA HA HA HA!!!!!

  5. Right on, Kevin, a ten point slam dunk.  But I would have guessed the percentage was higher (thanks for the correction), and without the railroads the economy and country would move less than slowly, if not at all.

    However, shouldn't the source shown above have been referred to as "myself?"  (I'm still tryin' to figure out these community guide line things).

  6. Railroads are pathways for trains to run on. Without them, trains would not be able to run and most likely the ride would be bumpy!

  7. They're like boats, but they don't float as well.
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