
What are realistic ways people can stop global warming???

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What are realistic ways people can stop global warming???




  1. Your #1 way to have an impact would be to inform your politicians that reducing black soot is the fastest and cheaper way to attack the problem:

    Reducing Black Carbon, or Soot, May Be Fastest Strategy

    for Slowing Climate Change

    Emissions from black carbon (BC), or soot, are the second largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and reducing these emissions is the fastest strategy for slowing climate change. The most recent estimate of BC forcing, 0.9 watts per square meter (W/m2) (range of 0.4 to 1.2 W/m2), is “as much as 55% of the CO2 forcing and is larger than the forcing due to the other GHGs such as CH4, CFCs, N2O, or tropospheric ozone.”1 In some regions, such as the Himalayas, the impact of BC on melting snowpacks and glaciers may be equal to that of CO2.2 BC emissions also significantly contribute to Arctic ice-melt, and reducing such emissions may be “the most efficient way to mitigate Arctic warming that we know of.”3 Since 1950, developed countries have successfully reduced BC emissions by a factor of five, primarily to improve public health, and “technology exists for a drastic reduction of fossil fuel related BC” in the rest of the world.

    Inform them that chasing CO2 emission reductions while developing countries are exempt and grow like weeds is a fool's errand, an extremely expensive one that will only damage our financial ability to respond once developing nations are ready to join us in the fight.

    All other actions pale in comparison.

  2. We can try to convince the sun to emit a constant flow of solar radiation rather than a fluctuating one.  Which is the main reason the Earth has been cycling through warm spells & cold spells for the last 600 Million years.

    We can try to change the Earths orbit from a fluctuating eliptical one to a nice, constant circular one.

    We can correct the "wobble" found at the poles that causes the Earth tilt to remain in a constant state of flux rather than a nice steady angle in relation to the Sun.

    If we can correct these three cosmic events we can stop Global Warming.  We will also stop the weather. Within a few thousand years the Earth will look like Mars.

  3. Stop farting

    Exile Al Gore

    Eat all sheep and cows and force them to pay a carbon tax

  4. A few realistic ways that people can help to slow down global warming are as follow:

    ~Recycle. It's crazy how much gets thrown away on a daily basis by average American households. This is completely insane, and doesn't have to be this way. Almost every neighborhood has a recycling program in place, and if it doesn't there are many places around where they will take bottles, cans, or paper and recycle them for you.

    ~Anywhere you can walk or bike to, do it. If you can't walk or bike, carpool with someone else. That way, less carbon dioxide will be released into the environment because there will be less cars

    ~Plant trees if you have a backyard. By planting trees, or even just some pretty flowers, you can replace carbon dioxide with oxygen.

    ~When shopping for clothing, look for tags that say things like "Environmentally Friendly" or something close to that. These items are made in factories or shops that do not release waste into the air. If you can't find those tags, just try to wear as much organic cotton as possible. If you don't know where to look for items like these, try Macy's. I found a lot of shirts there that are cute, cheep, and environmentally friendly.

    ~When you finish using an electrical appliance, it is not okay to simply turn it off and leave it plugged in. You have to unplug it for electricity to stop going into it. By unplugging it, you'll save more energy.

    ~Always turn off lights and fans when you leave a room. Make sure all of your refrigerator and freezer doors are shut tight when you leave the kitchen.

    If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to let you know. My email is if you have any questions.

  5. We can't as the Sun is the cause of all warmth on Earth.

  6. Realistically...nothing.  Altering the roughly 42 cubic miles of atmosphere that every man, woman, and child on the planet can claim to would be akin to tossing pebbles in the Great Lakes hoping to raise the water level.  It just ain't going to happen.  There are many here who will regurgitate scientific "evidence" as if they actually knew enough about science to be able to converse intelligently on the matter.  They'll use the word "consensus" as if there truly was one, and a lot of you will jump on that bandwagon and go buy a bunch of fluorescent bulbs, if you haven't done so already.  None of this is about man-made Global Warming, it's about scaring the sheep so they'll be too preoccupied to see what's really happening.

  7. somehow figure out a way to push the earth a little farther from the sun.

  8. figure out how to change the earth's natural cycles.

  9. Dying is probably the most realistic (and cost-effective to boot).

    Not that many people are in favor of that path for some odd reason.

  10. recycle

    take shorter showers

    unplugg electric appliances when they arent in use ( they still use energy when turned off and still plugged in)

    walk or ride a bike on nice days instead of driving

    use floresent lightbulbs

    dispose of toxic chemicals properly

    dont litter

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