
What are reasons why someone would stash something in a hidden spot only to pick it up later again???

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I was standing on my balcony today and saw a young kid (who didn't look like he belongs in the area) with a backpack (presumably empty at the time), walk up the sidewalk, into someone's townhouse front yard and into the shrubs, start loading his backpack with contents I couldn't see for about a minute, then walk off again.

Maybe at the time he didn't have place to store these items I don't know. Any thoughts?




  1. It could of been something illegal.  I'm a private investigator and while on surveillance I see people do those sorts of things often.  Sometimes it's innocent, but many times it isn't.  I watched a kid at an apartment complex carry a plastic garbage can to the dumpster as if he was going to empty it.  He actually walked into the bushes next to the dumpster and retrieved a gun that someone had left, and he put it into the plastic garbage can.  He then walked back to his apartment.  

  2. I do the same.

    I enjoy drawing art, but my mother will beat me if she sees it.

    So I hide it.

    Just brush it off, it's none of your business.

  3. He didn't want to be caught walking around with whatever was in the bag. Or, he was leaving the bag at a prearranged drop spot for someone else to come pick up. I wasn't there, so of course this is all just speculation.

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