
What are reasons why you love your boyfriend/husband?

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I love mine because he treats me really good and he cares about me more than anything in this world and hes realy jelouse about me and doesnt let me around any guys and hes always kissing and cuddelling me telling me im his cute face princessita.




  1. awww thats sweet.

    i love mine because he makes me happy & knows how to treat me. he knows how to put a smile on my face, and be there for me he knows how to help me when i'm filling down. I love him because i feel like i can be myself around him [:

  2. He is jelouse and doesn't let you around any guys?................that is abit controling, I must say. I hope you ment he isn't jelouse etc.

    Never knew a girl to "love" that if you ment it that way.

    I love my husband because:

    My best friend who I can tell anything to since we where 12.

    First boyfriend at age 12. (middle/high school sweethearts).

    Always there for me when I need someone.

    He is not controling or easily annoyed.

    He is sweet and carring.

    Does anything for me: lets me live my dreams and supports my interest in achieving a higher education.

    Funny and charming

    Extremly outgoing and enjoys the outdoors.

    Loves Trucks like me.

    Hardly is ever upset with me.

    I can gain 20 pounds and he still finds it s**y and won't keep his hands off me.

    Loves children and can't wait to be a daddy.

    He is hot in USMC dress blue uniforms!

  3. LOL......glad my wife has too much self esteem and respect to be jealous (frightened) of others.

    I love her because she learned and uses good relationship skills and methods (so do I) so our relationship is PERFECT and ever lasting.

    LOL.........try it!

  4. Love has no reason.  

  5. Even tho me and my hubby is going tho it right now I love him more then the world it self i hate when hes controlling but this past week being with out him because of our stupid fight and him talkn about never coming home really made me realize my love for him hes makes me feel safe that i have to believe that he would not let anything bad happen to me and when he touches me my heart melts his kisses are like skittles i cant just have one my husband is my world i wish he'll come back home im so sad with out him we met online and in the beginning it was hard so hard cause thats when the distance begun him being in the military but on april 07 when i met him and saw his face i remember this glow on his face our 1st site it was so amazing im no hes in my life for a reason me and him been tho a lot in our short period of time begin together but i would take a bullet for him right no divorce is the last thing on my mind even tho i no i said it 1st and now hes saying it cause hes upset that i bought it up i no he loves me even tho he say he was young and stupid for marrying me which is crazy cause hes still young ha me and my husband are soul mates might sound crazy but i psychic told me that me and him was 2gether in a past live what i believe for me to drive all the way up north to see a guy i dnt no that was love puttin us back together and his hes jealous ways are kinda s**y ha even tho i get mad i luv it i hope one that i can be the mother of his kids and the best wife but ill be leaving my stinky soon he wants me to get out his life it hurts but i want him to be happy and he says he'll be happy with out me =(

    Ha I said more then u wanted

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