
What are sagitarrius girls known for?

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What I've seen so far, is that they are very daring. And I am super shy.




  1. Long legs and thunder thighs. Lol, my best friend is a Sagittarius rising and she's beautiful and extremely tall for her age, 15 year olds aren't usually 5'11.

    She's very daring too! I love it. One time she picked up the sewer entrance thing and went under. Gross! But she thought it was cool and smelly down there haha she's extremely brave.

  2. sleeping around, jealousy. pretend to be hard working. pretend to be nice. it doesn't  take long before they show the real  self.

  3. open, opinionated, blunt to a fault (generally hurting others feelings without realizing it or meaning any harm),

    Daring, playful, full of energy to live life to its fullest. Enjoys recreation, anything that they may find enjoyable. Honest curiosity, listens and learns what they find interesting but will block out the boring 'blah blah'!

    Loves to laugh and enjoys making others laugh,...would make a good wife, mother and/or hostess. Loyal and devoted to those they choose to care deeply for. Can walk away from those who they do not find interesting or satisfying. Learns quickly though will always seem to find it difficult for others to be open to them or even understand them.

    At her best outdoors in a competitive sport or simply 'finding her own way' in life..nature can also help her find peace of mind and understanding that she cannot seem to find in books or other people.

    Athletic in build whether she is tall and slender or shorter and kind of stockier than most girls (amazon woman comes to mind for the Sag girl). Symetrical features, well proportioned yet stronger (physically and mentally) than most will ever give her credit for....she will be all too happy to prove them wrong (and usually does). If she does not stay fit and active then life will weigh her down (mostly in the thighs and hips) and she could have physical problems with this in old age.

    It is important and part of the 'journey' of a Sag to find learn and share her knowledge and wisdom is also important. Sag females should never allow themselves to feel stifled...this will only lead them to the negative aspects of this sign (soooo many and not so great!). You say you are shy?...I bet you are young..., But I also bet you are happiest around groups of people, even if you are just observing them,....I recommend becomming involved in a sport or drama club or something to help with the shy aspects....If you are still in school, you are probably annoyed with the politics of cliques and the way things work at school....It gets easier as you get older....these things will make you stronger if you let it...but if you give in to the negatives - it will make you weaker! Don't let others push you around....unless you are 'playing'...Sag ejoys physical 'rough-housing' but it better be all in good fun or you are likely to anger them....not a good thing to do to a mature Sag!


    LOL! to the post below me - I'm a 'She'! :)

    and a Sag also! ;)

  4. They are hot fillies!

  5. I'm a sag.

    Daring, Adventurous, Independent, Loyal, Smart, Witty, Funny, Charming, Fun, Brave, playful, energetic, tall, long legs, slim, athletic...etc

    But I'm also really shy, which is strange.

    Edit: The poster above me is very accurate!!

    Like he was describing me!

    He deserves te 10 points :P

  6. A Sagittarius girl lacks tact and her flat, on-the-face statements may make you feeling like running away from her. Then, suddenly, she will say something so charming that you will feel as if you are on the seventh heaven. There, you go again! You will be trapped in her charm once more. Once you have been enamored by a Sagittarius girl, you will be staying with her for a long time. She is pleasant, friendly, outspoken and very talkative. Her forthrightness comes form the fact that she has no illusions about the world.

    She sees it exactly as it is and says what she sees. At times, you may wish that she were not so honest. But then, she would be like any other girl, wouldn't she? In all probability, you will not like it. A Sagittarian female is very optimistic, but she is not irrational. She will judge the entire situation as per the facts, analyze its probable outcome and still believe that things will get better. Usually, she is very calm and composed. However, when you become rude to her or offend her, she may become like the fire-spitting dragon.

    Sagittarius girls are quite independent and love their freedom. They are attached to their family, but not too much. If you want to get something done from a Sagittarian girl, just ask her; don't order. She will never ever do it. She is your better half and don't you dare forget that. On the other hand, she doesn't want a sissy for a husband or boyfriend. He has to be a real man, who has his ego and won't stand for nonsense. So, you will be expected to balance politeness with firmness.

    I know it's difficult - but then, since when was winning someone easy. With a Sagittarius girl, you will never have to guess. She says what she thinks and how she acts shows what she feels. This bluntness may cost her heavily at times, even to the point of ending the relationship. Still, she would act as if she's not hurt at all and it is just one of the many harmless flirtations she's had. People will even believe all this, while inside she will be weeping and nursing her wounds. All this time, she will be analyzing what went wrong and when.

    The word 'marriage' makes a Sagittarian female a little nervous and you will need to tempt her in order to make her settle down. She is a little hard to catch and tends to be one of the boys all the time. That doesn't mean she looks or acts like a man! Infact, she is as female as any other girl is. The society and its norms do not matter to her. She can never be the hypocrite that some people are and tend to wiggle a few tongues. Her honesty and brusqueness further add to the negative opinions.

    Don't be fooled by them. Look deep inside a Sagittarius female and you will find a woman who is so enthusiastic about life and who trusts easily. Infact, this extreme belief makes her heart vulnerable and defenseless. It gets broken too often, but then, she knows how to move on with life. You will be tempted to care for her. It's natural. There are hardly any people who can resist the bright and charming disposition of a Sagittarius girl. She will not be too good with money and will most probably be on the extravagant side.

    She is very sentimental and emotional, though it seems otherwise. It just that, where her feelings are concerned, she becomes too shy. After marriage, your house will always remain sparkling clean, even if you don't have a maid to do that. She cannot stand sloppiness, it doesn't appeal to her sensibilities. She may not be too good at cooking, but she will also not burn your egg every day. A Sagittarian girl may pass the most sarcastic comments when she is angry, but she will forget the resentment soon enough. Then, she won't understand why are you so upset.

    As a mother, she will be very friendly with the kids. Infact, she will be more of a chum, than a mom. Only, you will have to teach them to take her bluntness with a pinch of salt. Apart from that, she will be wonderful and make them as independent as she is. She will be a lovely hostess to guests and make them feel at home. Just let her be what she is. Don't try to change her and don't curb her individuality. She will brighten your life with her optimism, boost you with loyalty, trust you blindly and shower her affection on you. She will encourage you to see dreams and help you in making them come true!

  7. tall and athletic


    hates being denied their talents


    blunt and forgiving


    the LIFE of the party, always joking and clowning around

    I'm a sag and i don't have thunder thighs, but wide hips, so thats another characteristics. they're usually athletic and have hair falling over their faces, a lot have laugh lines, and a mouth that always appears as it is going to break into a smile, or laugh. they eyes are bright and wide open. they slouch and move ungracefully, often, tripping and having no control over their body parts as they walk. a sag can offend someone without realizing it, and then a week later apologize and give the offended person chocolates and candy. (unless they have some scorpio influence in their birthcharts, because scorpios KNOW what they mean, and say it) They're the most easygoing and open sign of the zodiac, having a little more airlike quality to them, because sag's are more communicational than the other fire signs


    oh, and the person under me obviously just got through a bad breakup or something

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