
What are sarah palin's "smears"?

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new articles are saying that sarah palin's "smears" are being spread by obama's campaign, but i cant find any smears besides her husband once being in an independent party.

site your sources.




  1. The  recent  blogfest  is misplaced and premature.  I

    Do they realize Obama was born to a 17 year old, some claim unwed.  And guess what?  that is really irrelevant to the election.  

    Do they realize 70% of the black community is being born out of wedlock. Now THERE is a real social issue.  This is an issue they should be taking seriously since its where they live  and has great affect on the future.

    what are the smears... thing like a traffic dwi of her husband long long ago two decades ago...  things like speculation about her kids...

    misplaced... makes them look really bad  ... imature frankly

  2. Her lipstick in the morning and that's it, but obama his are being a racist socialist!

  3. They're not smears, and these little "problems" will not affect the the race.  It will come down to how she runs over the next two months

  4. OMB just turn on CNBC or CNN and you hear the smears only presented as "news".  

  5. There are no smears at all, but a lot of what we know now started as smears.

    Before Palin admitted that her 17 year old daughter was pregnant, it was bantered around that Palin's youngest son was actually her daughter's kid, which is a blatant lie and a smear.

    The rest of the info that is going on about her is just baseless blathering.  Sarah Palin once gave a speech to the Alaska Independence Party, which has some members who advocate a secession from the union - I guess they are trying to make her into some Michelle Obama.  The other item the left has been going after her about is some DUI that her husband got 20 years ago.  Pretty lame.

  6. Gosh, where to start...the first major smears against here were started by liberals on the DailyKOS website, who accused her of not being the mother of her son, Trig....they claimed that her daughter Bristol was actually the mother - all of this turned out to be FALSE, as Bristol is 5 months pregnant now and couldn't have given birth to Trig back in April.

    Other smears - that she would force the teaching of evolution in schools....NOT true...she never has.  That she advocated banning certain books in the library....NOT true, she never did.  That she tried to pass laws banning abortions in all cases....NOT true, she never did.

    Here's how you can tell if what's being said about her is a smear....does it come from a liberal or a democrat?  If so, it's likely a smear.

  7. what are the Obama "smears?"

    I'll let you think about that....

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