
What are schools like in Central America?

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What are schools like in Central America?




  1. Depends on the Country. Some are split and have two shifts. Kids go to school about 4 hours a day. They learn reading and basic math. Nothing like American schools.

  2. Private schools are the way to go.  The public school system is very poor and the children only go to school for a portion of the day.  They are very overcrowded and are not taught in English.

    If you are considering relocating to Costa Rica with school age children, schools will be a main concern and more than likely determine your choice of where to live. There are many choices in the Central Valley, which is rich in educational options, offering anything from mainstream public schools to your American based private institutions.

    Living outside the Central Valley or surrounding area will decrease your choices for schools. Public schools are available in most areas but generally offer instruction only to the 9th grade as required by law for children ages 6-14. Some of the larger communities will offer private Montessori or Catholic schools, which offer instruction to the 11th grade and the National Baccalaureate.

    Primary education lasts 6 years while high school might be 5 or 6 years depending on the school of your choice and which degree/degrees are offered. There are three types of diplomas offered in Costa Rica and this will vary with each school.

        * The Costa Rican Bachillerato Diploma accredited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Education. (MEP) This is the National Baccalaureate/Diploma of Costa Rica.

        * The International Baccalaureate Diploma, accredited by the IBO in Geneva, Switzerland.

        * USA High School Diploma, accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

    Schools in Costa Rica that go beyond the 9th grade are required to offer the Bachillerato de Educación de Diversificada or National Baccalaureate. With this degree the student will take MEP (Ministerio de Educación Publico) testing in the 6th, 9th and 11th grade. This degree allows entrance into University in Costa Rica. With this diploma alone, it is very difficult if not impossible to enter a University in the United States.

    The second type offered by the European Schools is the IB or International Baccalaureate. To earn the IB diploma, students must complete and test in six IB subjects; write an extended 4000 word essay of independent research guided by a faculty mentor, complete 150 hours of (CAS) creative, action, and service activities; and participate in a critical thinking course called Theory of Knowledge. The program begins in the 11th grade and is completed in the 12th grade. Entrance into University in the USA, Europe or Latin America is tenable with this degree accredited by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) in Geneva Switzerland.

    The third type of degree is the United States Diploma, which will allow entrance into University in the United States or Europe and other parts of the world. You cannot however enter University in Costa Rica with this diploma alone. The United States Diploma is available at all of the American Schools in Costa Rica. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, otherwise known as SACS, accredits all of these schools.

    Where the IB is not offered, in the American Schools, many students opt for 2 diplomas to open more doors and allow more opportunity for them when choosing a University. They work for the National Baccalaureate then go onto the 12th grade for the United States Diploma. When this is the case, during the 12th grade many students take AP (Advanced Placement) courses, with passage leading to college credit. In addition, many students are bilingual by this time and are able to test out of foreign language in University by passing the AP Spanish test.

    AP courses are offered in most topics from English to Calculus. If interested in Advance Placement Courses, you will need to check with your school of interest to see which courses are available because this too varies from school to school.

    Public, Catholic, and some of the private European schools operate on the Costa Rican schedule which runs mid February to the end of November. Schools following the United States curriculum operate on a United States calendar starting the middle of August and finishing in June with a month off for Christmas in December and January.

  3. learn spanish first of all, the rest is pretty much the same.

  4. well I have an ant that lives in costa rica and when i whent to go vist her i went to school there. you have to ware uniforms .

  5. Since this question was posted in the Costa Rica part, I am guessing that you want to know about schools in Costa Rica.

    Education in COSTA RICA is free and obligatory.

    Costa Rica’s constitution requires 6% of its Gross Domestic Product be dedicated to education – and as a result it has a higher literacy rate (97%) than the United States.  All post offices have computers for general use, and Internet connections are also available there.  Costa Rica also invites students from overseas who come to the Spanish-language schools that abound throughout the country.

    We believe that one of the main reasons Costa Rica is called the Switzerland of Central America is its educational system.  Compulsory education exists since 1843.  Costa Rica's high education levels - besides the absence of a military - are probably what makes it the most politically stable country in Latin America.  Military was abolished in 1948 and the constitution forbids the creation of a new one.  Since then Costa Rica is known as a Democratic Republic.

    Costa Rica boasts about having more teachers than police men, and this affirmation is a source of great pride, since Ticos feel that their high education level sets them apart from many less fortunate countries in the world.

    You will find many American Schools here, but there is also a French School, German School, Religious Schools and more.

    Second and somethimes a third language are taught at every school.  So you will find that manuy Costa Ricans speak at least some English.

    Primary education lasts six years, while high school education might be five or six years, the first being academic and the latter technical or professional. At the end of high school, the student will receive a title in "Letras" (similar to "Arts") or in "Ciencias" ("Science). The system which I've described applies to all public schools, but there are also private grammar schools and high schools, which utilize an American or European system. The Ministerio de Educacion or Ministry of Education is responsible for regulating education in all of Costa Rica.

    I hope this is the information you needed.  You will find some interesting sites about this in the Internet, in case you need more details.

    (And no, they don't only teach how to read and basic math, like somebody in these answers said!  Please, there is no need to insult if you have no idea!)

  6. SO MUCH FUN!!!! AWESOME better education than american schools I tell you that much

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