
What are scientists addressed as?

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Are scientists also addressed as doctors? Physicians and professors are addressed as doctors. Is a scientist a type of physician or professor, or are they in their own group of "scientists"?




  1. I think Dr. or Prof.

  2. depends...

    some scientists... are engineers... typically a Masters in Engineering... you usually refer to them by name... example: robotic engineer, aeronautics engineer... etc

    some are in the life sciences... most possess PhDs... academia prefer the title doctor... even when not medical doctors... examples are chemists, biologists, physiologists... etc

    some are medical doctors... also prefer doctor...



  3. A 'scientist' is basically anyone who studies science. You can be a scientist without ever going to university, but you can't be a doctor without a university PhD.

    Physicians are medical doctors, so they've usually been to Medical School. Professor is a title and rank within a university. There are Professors and Assistant-Professors, and then below them lecturers, all of which teach at and reasearch at the university that employs them. Professors usually have a PhD, so they'd be doctors and professors at the same time and you could address them as either.

    A doctor is anyone who's completed a PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy). Everyone who does a PhD does a Doctorate of Philosophy, even if they're studying science, arts or education, it's just what it's called.

  4. It depends on the highest degree they hold.  Scientists with a PhD in their field are addressed as doctors.  Those with only a Masters or below are simply Mr. or Ms., etc.

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