
What are scientists trying to find out with the LHC?

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What are they trying to find out with the LHC? AND (if it is a succesfull experiment) do you think it will make us more confused about life and the universe, OR do you think we will finally have a good amount of knowledge about life and the universe. There's a saying "The more you know, the less you know" or "The more you know, the more confused you are" <---- Something like that.




  1. they&#039;ll loosk for sparticles, try to detect gravitons, supersymmetry

    if they find them it will prove that M theory is not all wrong.

  2. Lets put it this way.

    If one smashes a stone together (low energy proton atoms), the stone breaks up into smaller pieces it is made of (building blocks of universe).

    It is rare for particles to smash apart in our environment, only colliders can do so.

    LHC is exactly what it means, its a Large, Hadron, Collider.

    Designed to break, fuse, and fissile hadrons to find the so called &#039;building blocks of the universe&#039;, which are in all, rare atoms created in the effect after the big bang, without the need of re-creating the big bang. From gravitons, to anti-matter, from dark matter, to dark engine. All in aid of research.

    But there is an ongoing worry of the micro black hole experiment, it has only been simulated in computer models (micro black hole collisions), and several times, the comuter simulated the micro black holes eating the other surrounding, fast-moving energy and matter of all variants, and if it doesn&#039;t evaporate, it will grow and destroy the facility, and vacuum the atmosphere and magma of the Earth, leading in the explosion of the planet.

    This will be due to the loss of the Hadron, &#039;Strong Nuclear Force&#039;, will lead to the collapse of the Hadron and the result of a micro black hole (proton sized or smaller). BBC Three not longed developed a video, and it is currently available on YouTube of the simulation at the &#039;End of Days&#039;. Go to for those videos (I&#039;ve collected).

    A collection of experiments will take place:

    The solving of whether the Higgs mechanism is used by nature in the Standard Model. And the answer to how many Higgs bosons there are and their masses.

    Whether quarks in the collider will remain the same mass during the collisions experiment.

    The exploration to find if particles have supersymmetric partners and how they will be affected.

    The answer to why anti-matter and matter are incompatible to each other.

    Whether &#039;gravitons&#039; have extra dimensions, as predicted in the string theory, and if we can see them.

    The nature of dark matter and dark energy.

    And why gravitation (gravitons ~ which are not yet discovered) are weaker in magnitude than the other three fundamental forces (Strong Nuclear (Gluons), Electromagnetic (photons), and Weak (Z and W bosons)).

    And they&#039;re just a few.

    I believe, if we don&#039;t die from the force of the experiments, we will gain knowledge if all goes well, I believe it should be successful, the last collider (SSC (Superconducting Super Collider)) found a lot, but was smaller and didn&#039;t do any where near the same amount of tests.

    Hopefully we will have better understandability of the universe and matter only (the machine doesn&#039;t analyse life).

    And as for the comments of &quot;The more you know, the more confused you are&quot;, etc, knowledge in your mind works on development from a series of centred (related) objects, via similarities, we can only learn more, by centering the new information on what we already know and understand (development), we can not &#039;create&#039;, &#039;new&#039;, &#039;fresh&#039; thoughts, we improve and &#039;develop&#039; them instead, and if it wasn&#039;t for instincts, we wouldn&#039;t have had been able to learn around them (organ-ised, hardware), won&#039;t go into a biology lesson, just so you understand, if you understand that in itself...



  3. They&#039;ll smash protons to create particles. They hope to find new, predicted particles that they can then use to work out where dark matter is and explain the missing mass in the Universe. You&#039;re right the more we know, the less we know. Everything creates more questions and confusion. It&#039;s worth it though.

  4. The &quot;Holy Grail&quot; of physics is a &quot;Theory of Everything&quot;.  The LHC is a new and wonderful tool to help us look at conditions further back in time than we&#039;ve been able to so far.  However, it should be born in mind that it is several orders of magnitude away from being able to get us right back to the Big Bang.  If we get far enough back, we will see a time when all 4 forces in the Universe were combined into one, though that will require another generation of machines.  These experiments are a series of tiny steps to our final goal of the TOE, and as an astronomer and cosmologist (which is a kind of physicist) I am very excited as to what we are going to learn

  5. Particle accelerators have been in use since 1939. They are used to find subatomic particles and how those particles react and interrelate with one another. This leads to insights as to how subatomic particles create baryonic and nonbaryonic matter and gives us information into the workings of the weak force so we can understand Nature.

    Particle accelerators are also used to create medicines such as those used in the treatment of cancers.

    Particle accelerators are not run by a group of madmen.

    ONE of the many projects of the LHC at CERN is to attempt to find the Higgs boson. Four bosons are known to exist. Scientists are searching for the suspected fifth boson. Discovery of the fifth boson will lead to a more accurate understanding of how matter is formed and how the subatomic particles within matter operate.

    There is nothing at all to cause fear of these or any other particle accelerator experiments.

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