
What are shadow people ?

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I have seen them in my house




  1. is a shadow of imagination sometimes or a reflection of a distant object inside or outside of your house and if lack of sleep the vision of your sight had a blurry impact on your viewing even in day or night you might feel it and something physically limit your eyes especially when woke up you can feel that it hurting your eyes in bright sun,of if it a shadow of ghost you can easy realize it because you will feel the hair in skin being slectrically charge if you felt this that your head feeling heaving and hair feeling standing that will be a paranormal activity within your sorrounding but if you dont feel any of this clue then its probably a blink of an eye i hope this will give you an idea how to determine if its ghost or not''

  2. Shadow people are human like shaps of darkness running around hiding in walls and corners and such. They are usually first seen frome the corners of your eyes. Unlike ghosts, shadow people have no clthes or featues. people pursued by shadow people say they are attacked, chased, or menaced while ghosts haunt their victims.

    Hope I helped!

  3. I have seen them several times, and know of others who have seen them. Not in periferal vision, but straight on in broad daylight, 3D walking shadow figures. The skeptics will try to talk you down because they dont get it.

    Yes they are real, and they are there, and they do scare the c**p out of people when they are seen.

    I theorize that they are there more often than not, unseen. The Wes Craven movie "They" was about shadow people.

    I am a Christian and believe they are demons. 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven led by Lucifer in a rebellion against God. When they came to Earth, the angels started increasing thier numbers in hopes of winning the battle in which they were greatly outnumbered and overpowered.

    They bred with humans and produced nephelim, which were more powerful than angels and uncontrollable. They also bred with Liliths children to produce the shadow demons.

    They are virtually invisible, but on occasion they are caught moving about in the light.

    Dont let anyone tell you they are harmless. They are servants of Satan. Their purpose is to turn men against God.

    Right or wrong in my theory, know that shadow people are real, even if you believe they are just a trick of the mind, it has to be acknowledged that a lot of people see 3D shadow like people walking around, while looking directly at them in enough light to see someone.

  4. Shadow people (I call them Dark Force Entities" are the Djinn spoken of in the Islam religion.

    They also have the ability to shape shift. Here are the most often forms they take on. Spiders, snakes, humanoids, and large black cats.

    Basicly they will take on whatever form that will scare you the most. then consume your lifeforce energy.

    You need a priestm, exorcist, or someone to teach you how to drive those things away.

    I have done exorcisms all over the U.S. and Canada, and I posted several ways to deal with negative entities on my blig at Yahoo 360. If you need further helpl E-Mail me.

  5. You have imagined you saw them in your house. It's a trick of the light and your the visual system -- nothing real.

  6. I'm a paranormal investigater. They may just be normal spirits that are manifesting themselves in the form of shadows. It is quite common. It also could be a demonic presence, which I don't think it is, Cause you would have many more promblems then just this. I think you just have a normal, harmless, haunting. I suggest that you try to capture them on film, and if they become too bothersome you should tell them to leave.

  7. I saw one too! And yes, it was in broad daylight. On a sunny summer afternoon.  He was 3 dimensional and turned and looked right at me then turned and walked out of sight. It was a human figure but void of any light, very black. Funny thing was he had a hat on.  I'm not sure why he would need to wear a hat. I'm not crazy and I know they exist! You non-believers need to open your minds and your eyes!

  8. Nothing more than an artifact of the peripheral vision, or just moving shadows, or even neurological conditions. I have experienced the peripheral vision artifact from time to time.  This is a good example of where true believers with closed minds will reject the many possible and much more likely natural explanations in favor of their favorite yet most unlikely explanation possible -- ghosties.

  9. Likely you have not "seen" them, as normally they appear only in peripheral vision accompanied by a feeling of dread.

    The competing theories of scientific data and paranormal theory fundamentally disagree on whether or not they exist.  

    The paranormal theory goes something like this:

    They are a variety of phantasm attracted to a person or location for unknown reasons.  Typically it is a male shape, and they prefer to watch unseen, and then will flee as soon as noticed.  

    One theory that has been forwarded is that they are forms of ghosts who we don't fully receive (like a bad radio reception) for unknown reason.  

    To read the stories of others claiming to have experienced the shadow people, see this site:

    My recommendation is that before you read anyone else's account, write down your own, so that, scientifically speaking, your data and observations are nto corrupted by the stories of others.

    I am a skeptic, but I haven't had your experiences.

  10. I guess it would depend on each person as what they believe shadow people are. The reason I say this is because with so many points of view and yet no proved facts has been established, the subject remains in debate.

    I personally have been in the paranormal field for many years and have gone with it with an open and learning mindset.

    On several occasions my team and myself have set out to to study this phenomena. we have found that Ghost/Spirits react the complete opposite as the so-called shadow people. we have found that Ghost usually try to manifest themselves using electrical devices often draining them as where we have seen more of the shadow people the least amount of electrical equipment around. With this information we set out to try a new theory and that was to have no battery and no electrical devices on the site and to remove any that were already present. To see we used shake sticks and natural moon light. we made sure the entire team was present and no one walking around freely so not to catch a shadow of each other by mistake.

    The first two nights we seen nothing at all but the third night we seen three large figures and two smaller ones. The shapes were similar as the appeared to have a human head but the bodies appeared to be like they were covered with a blanket/sheet whatever. They did not move in such a way as if they knew we were present even when we talked to them or to each other. they moved around in a group for about 20/30 minutes the vanished. There were no flashes of light to create the shadows and although we had agreed not to tell each other details but only to write down what we all saw then compare notes. we found everyone of the team seen the same things.

    The forth night we tried to debunk and recreate the shadows but to do so we would have had to been standing between the moon and the viewing area and yet make our shadows become 3D in effects and not just shown from the ground and we could not so we could not recreate them at all.

    On the fifth night we had one team member off in the distant with a camera and timed a bike ride to the site we were at at 3 minutes away and if we by chance caught the shadows again we could wave our glow sticks to alert the member with the camera to ride up and snap some pictures.

    we had to extend it to a sixth night and when the shadows returned which was indeed the same three large and two smaller shadows we alerted the camera member to ride up. when the member made it to the site and could see the shadows. the shadows vanished. So no we could not catch proof.

    What are shadow people I can't say but they acted completely different then ghost we have witnessed.

  11. People are sure but for the skeptics out there they say it's just a figment of ones imagination or it is a ghost of some sort.

  12. O.k. Ill try to answer your question. I wont get into weather or not shadow people are real or just  imaginary or trick played on you by you peripheal vision. According to what I ve heard shadow people are interdimensional beings. The reason we sometimes get a "glimpse" of them is that supposedly every now and then our dimensions cross for an instant just long enough to get a quick glimpse at them.

  13. I had them in my old house. They are ghost/spirits that are showing you hey I am here. They are the person who is pasts ghost that doesn't have enough energy to show what they look like but they are able to show you that they are around. I have never had any problems with them I talk to them as well when I am alone just to say hey I know you are there and welcome in the house as long as they are nice. I also went and did some EVP work in my house as well I asked questions with long pauses. I also left for a few hours with my tape recorder running and caught some things. I was wanting to know who was in my house and see if they were nice or not and I am glad to say I have never had a mean ghost/spirit in my house. So talk to them or do your own EVP work so you can see if you can find out who it is. It may be creepy at first but after a bit of time it will go away.

    Have Fun

  14. If you have seen them, then you know what they are.

    Next time, you see them, try this spell.


    Scream it as loud as you can. Make sure your neighbors hear.  The incantation will produce a bright flash of light that will surely vanquish the shadow.

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