
What are signs of poor health you should look for when buying a gerbil?

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What are signs of poor health you should look for when buying a gerbil?




  1. well if its not vary active it likes to stay in one spot and sleeping for more that two hours. trust me i have Had garbles!!!!

  2. watery eyes dirty rump poor energy he should run when hand in cage not slleeepp then come sniff and run

  3. look at there coats if they look greasy then that could mean they are unhealthy also there eyes need to look clean not weepy those are the most obvious if this is your first gerbil.

  4. When going to buy a gerbil be sure to watch them for a while... you're going to want to pick out the ones that look the liveliest, and the ones who look like they're having fun. Healthy animals are more likely to be running about than sedentary... he/she should look interested in its surroundings.

    Also, be sure to look at the gerbil's eyes. You want to look for clear eyes as cloudy eyes can signal an infection or glaucoma. Check all of the gerbil's hind ends as one may have wet tail and it's quite contagious and harmful to the rodent. Be sure that the skin looks smooth and is free of rough/missing patches. Even ask to hold one if you're not sure... they may oblige.

    Have fun with it! You're picking out a wonderful new member of the family :)

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