
What are signs/symptoms of depression?

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Can someone be depressed without think horrible thoughts or even know they are depressed? My Fiance went into the Navy and ever since he left i've really done nothing. I haven't left the house much but i really don't feel depressed or sad or anything. I mean i have the occasional cry but its cause I miss my fiance...My mom said she feels i may be depressed but i really don't thinks so. could I be? could it be beaucse of my fiance leaving?




  1. loss of interest in things....

    always feel sad & gloomy

    think negative thoughts....

  2. loneliness, office issues or something like that.

    but better to chk this out

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    Ashok Gunasekaran


  3. Yes you could possibly be depressed most of the symptoms are things like


    *Crying for no particular reason

    *Not making an effort to get dressed or not making an effort with your appearance

    *Not wanting to speak to anyone or be around anyone

    *Appetite increase/Decrease

    Sometimes it's a little harder to diagnose depression yourself so you're best to book an appointment with your G.P and get a professional opinion.

    If you are depressed there is medication that can help (despite what you might read about it) and there is plenty of support available.

    Hope you get over it and start to feel better.


  4. Yes. Many times people will think they're just going through a funk, but that funk just goes on and on.

    Yes, your fiance leaving could have been the spark that sent your emotions downward.

    Your fiance leaving could have led to boredom and loneliness, which, by you not going out, was exacerbated.

    It's depression, for example, when things you used to have fun doing aren't fun anymore. It's said the causes can be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, but while that may be the case, I'm not part of that group that believes there's a drug/medication for everything.

    If you're really depressed, try to find the source. Go to any number of Web sites on depression, which will list numerous causes and symptoms.

    From what you say, I don't think you're depressed. Depression is very deep form of sadness. You might not see any point in living, you're unhappy and don't have fun anymore. If such feelings go on for, say, more than a week or so, you're very likely depressed.

    Try getting out, calling your friends, socializing. And, if you can, maybe talk to your fiance from time to time.

  5. sadness, irritable, anxious, loss of interest, want to be alone, very quiet, non social .......i been dealing with this for years.

  6. quietness,


    crying for no reason

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