
What are signs that a child (5 yr. old girl) has been molested?

by Guest67125  |  earlier

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What are signs that a child (5 yr. old girl) has been molested?




  1. here in australia we speak to doc's so they can investigate

    before they investigate they give you the steps to go through.

    you can talk anonomously if you like.

    its better to speak to qualified ppl but just from the top of my head the signs i would be loking for are:

    - personality change

    - child not getting close to other kids

    - not liking anyone getting close to her (eg. used to like hugs and not anymore)

    - maybe wetting herself

    please speak to a quilified person to get the 5 year old girl same help ,and if you live in australia i work with kids and would love to help ,i can get you some info and i know this great guy you can talk to ,he will help alot I had to do this not long ago and I know how hard to go through this alone because the children you look after are just like yours

    take care

  2. Being quiet and having intense fears of things all at once that were fine before, and sudden unexplained aversions to certain people.

  3. Usually there are abrupt character changes, such as the child withdrawing or refraining from normal child activities, sometimes hostile behavior occurs as result... If you have any doubt that this may have happened to your child then it is best for you to consult a professional...

  4. bed wetting, not wanting to be left by their parent, night mares, anxiety attacks.  Ask me how I know.

  5. If you have questions about it, then you must be suspecting that she was? I would check for redness and/or bruising.  Acting out with her dolls, or being afraid of being around that particular person.  Sometimes its the oppisite: your child may want to be near that person, cuddle on their lap, except candy/toys as bribes.  If you know the person/or suspect the person, you might have noticed that they give the child baths, change her clothes often, sit too close, have her sit on their lap.  No male adult should ever change another persons female childs diaper, bathe them, or take them on a private trip, buy them candy/toys regularly (bribes)

    I saw this happen many times  and they try to groom the child before they touch.  Good luck in trying to figure this out.  If you really  are sure, then take the child to your doctor and talk to him/her in private before you have them check the child.  There are hotlines in the phone books to help you ask these questions.

  6. dont take chances, call and ask your doctor. there could be many signs or next to no signs

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