
What are simple and interesting ways to keep children entertained (card/ magic tricks, games, etc.)

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I work at a daycare, and at times, those children are a handful. I'm looking for ways to get them to quiet down for a few minutes, or to be entertained. I'm mostly interested in simple card or "magic" tricks that I know they would love. Basically, any ideas would help.




  1. I know a few magic tricks.

    first one: put the bottom card of the deck upside down and dont show the kids.tell them to pick a card(dont show the bottom). While they memorize and pass the cardturn over the deck. Put the card back in the deck (so when flipped over again it will show face up.) Pretend to be trying to find the card behind your back but really just flip over the bottom card the correct way. Tell them you cant find it. fan out the cards and take out the card that is face up. That is their card.

    This is the second trick. (no jokers) Split the deck between reds and blacks. Put one black over the reds.

    Talk about the chances of splitting the deck perfectly between colors is astronomical.  Then pull the top card, knowing its a black saying we need a black and a red. after you get both, give the deck to a mature child. Tell him to one-at-a-time place the cards down in anyorder he wants.Start counting each card he puts down. After 24 cards(i think) tell him to stop. Then make two more groups by pulling the same stunt as last time.Give the deck back to he child, and tell him to do the same thing again. Once your done. Put the face up cards(the ones you put down) in the deck you know is the right color.put the two colored deck back and show them that the boy had miraculously split the deck

    If you want anymore contact me at

  2. magic tricks will only last so long and they're not always easy to do

    i would find some good group activities

    that way there's not a singled one that wanders off

    try making a fun charades game with popular kid-friendly characters

    or teaching them to make a non-cooked food

    the food making will be something they will be active in

    feel involved in

    be proud of

    and get a reward to see their efforts in


    story telling with picture books (unless they're too old)

    u can even try looking up some common stories most people know online to tell urself

    act out each character and give each a personality

    try setting up a clue game

    like if u have a stuffed animal that's popular that everyone can recognize

    hide it

    and tell them snuggles (or whatever) has gone missing and u need to work together to find it

    make-up clever witty ransom notes or clues or whatever to keep em occupied

    i don't know how old they are so maybe half of these will work?

  3. sawing yerself in half!

  4. Having performed for many birthday parties over the years I always find a good magic trick or two entertains children and usually keeps them quiet for a while.

    I would suggest some simple coin tricks or close up magic, rather than card tricks. Card tricks do not seem to work as well for younger children, they get bored too quickly. However pulling coins from behind their ears and making them vanish again does the trick nicely (excuse the pun).

    Some coin tricks are really easy to do with a small amount of practice. Here are a bunch of easy coin tricks I am sure you will be able to learn in no time:

    Hope this helps!  

  5. You can try this simple magic trick, you just need to prepare two rubber bands.

    You can see how cyril (Japanese Magician) perform this trick to a little girl.

    Hope you like this magic ;-)

  6. give them chicken nuggets from mcdonalds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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