
What are simple things we can do to save electricity and water around the normal household?

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What are simple things we can do to save electricity and water around the normal household?




  1. If it's pee, leave it be; If it's brown, flush it down.

    We need lights made from LED's.

  2. Put half a brick in your toilet cistern, this will save approximately half a litre of water every time you flush and won't affect flushing efficiency (make sure it isn't too close to your ball valve or other moving parts).

    Replace ordinary, incandescent, light bulbs with energy saving bulbs or fluorescent fittings to save 80% of your lighting costs.

    Turn off lights and heating in rooms not being used unless required for security or for health reasons (damp).

    don't leave TV's, radios, DVD players etcetera  on standby, switch them off at the socket. If you leave your computer on all the time you can still switch the monitor off.

    Unplug all chargers and transformers when not in use, they draw current all the time and it mounts up.

    If you have a house and garden, fit a rainwater butt, mine has already saved 400 litres of tap water this summer.

    Don't leave the tap running when you're cleaning your teeth or washing your hands.

    Use a shower instead of a bath, this saves both.

    If you have any electric heaters with a thermostat, turn them down by a couple of degrees, you won't notice the difference and it can save 10% of the energy used (this works for all heating).

    Only use dishwashers and washing machines when you have a full load, but don't overload them. Always use low temperature cycles when possible.

    Keep your fridge and freezer full and don't open them frequently. If your freezer is not full, keep a couple of wrapped loaves of bread in it for emergencies.

    Never put hot food in your fridge or freezer.

    That's all the worthwhile savings I can think of offhand. Except for the water butt, none of it will cost you anything (replace light bulbs as required, they pay for themselves over and over).

    Good Luck.

  3. There are a lot of things that could help save electricity and water around the normal household, and most of them are over looked.

    - Saving water -

    1) When you take a shower, put a buck over the drain so it catch the water instead of wasting it all down the drain and then when the bucket gets full, turn off the shower and pur the water on the garden. 5 minute showers saves about 1.5 litres of water per day.

    (same with the bathtub - just scoop the water out with a bucket)

    2) When you brush your teeth, don't leave the tap running. This is a complete waste of water and anyone who does this should not be able to brush their teeth at all! Only turn the tap on when it's really needed.

    3) Stick to your water restrictions. Wash your car on the grass and don't wash it with the direct hose - use a sponge and bucket. Also, don't water your garden with the direct hose. Use recycled water from the shower or bath.

    4) When you flush the toilet, use the half-flush instead of the full. This can save a lot of water (about 1 litre on average per week). Only use full-flush when it's truly needed, but make sure you avoid using it as much as possible.

    - Saving electricity -

    1) Turn off all unused power points when possible. If something is not being used, there is no need to have the powerpoint turned on at all. Also, unplug the cords because even just leaving them in drains electricity. Another good thing is to turn the TV off instead of leaving it on standby when it's not being watched.

    2) Turn off all unused lights. This will save a LOT of electricity and it will also help the environment because all the lights that are turned on, all of the rays from the bulb (Watts) go into the atmosphere and do damage (scary, eh?).

    3) Once a week (or more) have a night where you don't use any electricity at all. Maybe light some candles and play a board game or read a book. This will save electricity and will also bond the family together. S great way to spend time together and help the environment.

    There are so many other things you can do, but these are just some good ideas that everyone can do. If you want to know more, visit And I hope this helps.

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