
What are some 'REAL' jobs you can do from home in Phoenix, Az.??

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I have heard that you can take calls for D.E.S. and they even provide the computer. Do any of you actually work at home?? Where?? What are the hours and what you get paid?? Thanks!!




  1. I started working from home last year with this company and have never worked more than 10 hours a week.  I am now earning between $300-600 per week and I have set my hours around my 2 little ones.  The key for success has been finding someone to mentor you until you learn the ropes.  It was done for me and now I am trying to do it for others.  You can learn more about the opportunity at this link.

  2. There are a lot of jobs you can do from home, including customer service and data entry. You can find daily listings at Good luck.

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