
What are some Canadian slangs?

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Okay well i might be going over there for a visit and just been wondering what are the slangs over there and what do they mean.well i would like to know if im being make fun




  1. i live in toronto and its pretty much all the same slangs

    if your going to quebec though, they will be cussing you out in french

  2. Running into an obnoxious Canadian who will bombard you with insults most likely won't happen to you. We are for the most part a welcoming and tolerate society. But--if you find yourself in an uncomfortable and unforeseen situation, use tact, intelligence, and logic; quietly remove yourself from the offensive person/situation.  It's against the law in Canada to use offensive, racist language against one another.

  3. The only things that come to mind are:

    - Have you got a loonie?

    (A loonie is the nickname of the $1 coin because of the picture of the loon on it)

    - Sorry, I only have a two-ney.

    (The $2 coin, since it is "two loonies")

    If coming to Canada, most of the swear words here involve bodily functions or words related to intercourse. Except in Quebec. Here we like to use French religious words as profanity, such as the tabernacle, the chalice. (By the way, if you want to see a really funny scene regarding swearing in Quebec, just watch the movie "Bon Cop, Bad Cop", which was filmed here in Montreal and Toronto.)

    If someone calls you a "tete-carre" it means square head and it is a derogatory word for the English. And the English use the word "frog" as a derogatory term for the French. I am pretty sure these terms went out of style after the 70's and 80's, but you never know.

    Otherwise, there may be regional slangs that apply only to that spot where you are staying in Canada.

  4. eh, is that rite mate, **** u, wuzzup, according to the prophecy, timmys coffee triple triple

  5. if you are familiar with TV English.. you wont have any issues with slang here.   You'll quite clearly understand if someone is insulting you.  

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