
What are some Diana - princess of wales's accomplishments?

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What are some Diana - princess of wales's accomplishments?




  1. The late Diana, Princess of Wales had a sincere and genuine interest in other people. Her heart of sympathy extended to many people, in whatever situation they were in. She often spent time visiting the homeless, or terminally ill patients in various hospices. True these were often photographed, but this wasn’t her motivation for seeing patients. It is said by some hospital staff that, Diana would sometimes visit in the evening, away from the glare of the media. When she did meet patients they responded very positively to her. Princess Diana had a great capacity to get on with people, whatever their social status. Friends and nurses tell how she had very positive life energy, which was infectious in its capacity to uplift people.

    But at other times, she realised the importance of the media, in highlighting important social issues. Diana played a significant role in de stigmatising people’s perceptions about people who were HIV positive. At the time there was a lot of fear that HIV could be passed on through touch alone. Princess Diana allayed many of these prejudices, by being photographed, touching people who had the disease. Another campaign which Diana though incredibly important was the campaign to ban landmines. She supported a ban on landmines because they are responsible for so many post conflict deaths and injuries. Often it is young children who are most affected by the legacy of landmines. Princess Diana was the most high profile figure to support the ban on landmines. Pictures of her walking through an old landmine in Angola were displayed around the world. Her role is thought by many to be crucial in the passing of the Ottawa treaty banning the use of landmines.

  2. she demonstrated that not wearing seat belts is a bad idea

  3. charity. she was an overall good person. she helped everyone in need. its tragic what happend. especially since she was pregnant

  4. [edit] Charity work

    Starting in the mid- to late 1980s, the Princess of Wales became well known for her support of several charity projects. This stemmed naturally from her role as Princess of Wales—she was expected to engage in hospital visitations where she comforted the sick and in so doing, assumed the patronage of various charitable organisations—and from an interest in certain illnesses and health-related matters. Diana was a supporter of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a campaign that went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize.[25]

    [edit] AIDS awareness

    In April 1987, the Princess of Wales was one of the first high-profile celebrities to be photographed touching a person infected with HIV at the 'chain of hope' organization. Her contribution to changing the public opinion of AIDS sufferers was summarised in December 2001 by Bill Clinton at the 'Diana, Princess of Wales Lecture on AIDS':

    “ In 1987, when so many still believed that AIDS could be contracted through casual contact, Princess Diana sat on the sickbed of a man with AIDS and held his hand. She showed the world that people with AIDS deserve no isolation, but compassion and kindness. It helped change world's opinion, and gave hope to people with AIDS. ”

    —Bill Clinton

    Diana also made clandestine visits to show kindness to the sick. According to nurses, she would turn up unannounced (for example, at the Mildmay Hospice in London) with specific instructions that her visit was to be concealed from the media.[citation needed]

    [edit] Landmines

    The pictures of Diana touring an Angolan minefield, in a ballistic helmet and flak jacket, were seen worldwide. It was during this campaign that some accused the Princess of meddling in politics and declared her a 'loose cannon.'[26] In August 1997, just days before her death, she visited Bosnia with the Landmine Survivors Network. Her interest in landmines was focused on the injuries they create, often to children, long after a conflict is over.

    She is believed to have influenced the signing, though only after her death, of the Ottawa Treaty, which created an international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines.[27] Introducing the Second Reading of the Landmines Bill 1998 to the British House of Commons, the Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, paid tribute to Diana's work on landmines:

    “ All Honourable Members will be aware from their postbags of the immense contribution made by Diana, Princess of Wales to bringing home to many of our constituents the human costs of landmines. The best way in which to record our appreciation of her work, and the work of NGOs that have campaigned against landmines, is to pass the Bill, and to pave the way towards a global ban on landmines.[28] ”

    —Robin Cook

    The United Nations appealed to the nations which produced and stockpiled the largest numbers of landmines (China, Japan, India, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States) to sign the Ottawa Treaty forbidding their production and use, for which Diana had campaigned. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), said that landmines remained "a deadly attraction for children, whose innate curiosity and need for play often lure them directly into harm's way".[29

  5. You mean she had some ? To me it looked like she did only what was necessary for the role she had and spent the rest of her time shopping or going on holidays

  6. She bridged the gap between the Christian and Muslim community and proved once again fellatio can be performed in a moving car at high speed, she made it fashionable again.

  7. firstly, i have to admit im not a great fan of the monarchy but that is a different debate. however, diana was one of the people i actually had alot of respect for. Yes she played the victim and followed in manys' footsteps by doing charity work and promoting herself, but i truly believe that she cared for everything she fought for. As for the way she was treated by her 'family' and her husband, completely unacceptable. The final nail in the royal coffin i think.

    edit: she was not pregnant when she died, another issue which has been confirmed but people still chose to believe that she was.

  8. She raised a lot of money for various charities.  By her sheer presence, people flocked in to see her - all paying money for that event. Not matter what the occasion, it made money.

  9. I saw her wedding dress in person last week.

    Na na na na NA na...   lol

  10. greatest ACCOMPLISHMENT/ King maker

  11. Aids


    -SS (-:Smiling Star-:)

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