
What are some GOOD and USEFUL tips to work out for volleyball?

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I have 8 or 9 months to try out for volleyball but I want to try out and get in shape. How do I do that?




  1. Ok well first of all, if you've never played before it is going to be hard work! The first year i started playing, after the first practice, i couldn't walk for like 3 days because it was a lot of excersize and will survive, don't worry...Just remember: Bump, set, spike!

    The first thing you should learn is the main hit; the bump. This is the first hit. First, the placement of your hands. There are two positions for your hands. The first one make a fist with your right hand. Make it so it is vertical. Then wrap your left hand around it and place your two thumbs flat on the top of your hands. Then the second position. Put your hands in an X position; left on bottom. Then fold them inward, again placing your thumbs flat on top of them. Ok, try out both positions and find out which is better for you....After that I need to teach you how to hit the volleyball. Many people make the mistake of hitting with their hands....WRONG! You hit between your wrist and about 4 inches up your arms. Another mistake people make is moving their arms up and down to hit it....again WRONG!....You do move your arms a little, but mainly you bend and strech out your legs. Always bend your legs. Also the position of your legs. your left foot should be slightly in front of your right foot. So if you slide your left foot over, the heel would be in the arch of your right foot. There are 3 ways to hit the volleyball. Punch, touch, and cushin. You use a punch for a hard ball (like after a spike), a touch for a soft ball, and a cushin for also a hard ball. To do a punch, you move your arms 2-3 inches. To touch a ball, you move your arms 1 inch or nothing. And to cushin a ball, right when the ball hits your arms, you drop your arms. Practice these steps!

    The first hit can also be an overhand pass if it is too high. This is like a set except instead of using your wrists, you use your elbows. First get ready like a setter hands liek this: your feet like in a bump. Then instead of pushing with your wrists, push with your elbows. So dont bang your wrists out. Keep your wrists were they are the whole time!

    Next, the set. The setter stands next to the net. This is the second hit of the ball. The placement of the hands looks like this: If you bring them down, they are on your forhead. To set the ball, you use your fingertips mainly. You just push the ball up so the spiker can hit it. Make sure you get all of the balls that just touch the net and go over. Thats your responsibility. Thats all you have to do.

    Next: the spike. After the setter sets it to you, you gotta spike it; hard over the net. Ok, how do I spike? You must be asking. You step twice to get ready for your circle prep. Start standing infront of the net(not parallel). Then step with your right foot and then the left.Except when you step with your left foot, turn it so its parallel to the net. So now you are facing the wall. A circle prep is when you rotate your hands in a small circle going clockwise next to you. Then you point your left hand up to aim and slam your right hand against the ball then snap your wrist. While doing that, jump back to facing the net. Your left hand should end like hugging underneath your boob. You have just spiked the ball. Again, practice!

    Ok so you have learned the bump, the set, and the spike. Now the serve. There is the underhand serve and the overhand serve.

    I would suggest starting with the underhand serve. Make your right hand (if you are right handed) into an "e" in sign language. Hold the ball in your left hand. Stand like in a bump hit. (your left foot should be slightly in front of your right foot. So if you slide your left foot over, the heel would be in the arch of your right foot.) Then prep yourself; pretend to hit the ball (swing your hand back and forth once) then hit it as hard as you can. BEND THOSE KNEES! PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!

    Next the overhand. This was challenging for me. Don't do the jump serve until you are really good at volleyball. First, put your legs in the same postition as the underhand serve and the bump. Next, there are 4 parts of the overhand serve.

    1. Put the ball in your left hand with your right hand on top of it. Your arms should be streched out all the way.

    2.Bring your arm straight back like and arrow.

    3. Toss the ball (not too high. So if you don't hit it it will land in front of your left foot. practice tossing) And step with your left foot. Also bring your hand up so your arm is in an "L" position.

    4. Hit the ball with all of your strength and follow through.(bring your arm all the way down) Also slide your right foot (on your toes) up so it is a little bit behind your left foot .

    You just did an overhand serve.

    Ok. You know all of the hits. Now i have to explain the rules. First you cannot hit it with and open hand up. This is called a lift and the other team will get the point and will serve. There are many more rules but i cannot explain them all. ]

    Don't worry about blocking and stuff like that. Your coach will teach you that. Just know the main things that i taught you.

    I hope you have fun playing volleyball; it is a great sport. No wait. THE BEST SPORT!! :)

  2. PRACTICE!!!!!!!!! i just made my vb team @ skool and i had like practiced 4 like 5 months straight (well not every day but most) don't give up!!!! like do serves agaist ur house or a gym wall!! and practce w/ friends and/or family!!!:) i hope u do well!!!!!:)

  3. If u are short and cant reach over the net, then u should really work on passing.  If u r tall then u shuld work on hitting and jumping, like jump roping cuz that really helps.

  4. Run, push-ups, lots of cardio!!!

  5. Hmm, it depends on which postition you want to play.

    Outside Hitter/Right Side/Middle: A lot of jumping exercises to improve your vert, such as jumping rope, and constant jumps (putting a mark that is about a foot higher than your arms when they are fully extended and constantly jumping to touch the mark).

    Setter: Jumping exercises and setting against the wall. Try setting about 2 inches from a wall and keep going without stopping (it's harder than you think).

    DS: Lots of passing. Make sure to keep your arms at about your waist and don't swing.

    Overall, do a lot of wall sits, squats, running, ect. Anything that will improve your legs.

  6. Work on your jump.

    Push-ups are good, you're gonna need some arm strength.

    If the team you're trying out for is really serious, do some ab work, you'll need it.

  7. well running always helps with any sport because you have to move quick. jumpings a big part in it too if you want to be a spiker so something to help you jump higher. practicing with your friends could help or going to a weekley open clinic.

    some tips if you are new to it:

    go after everything, you NEVER want the ball to hit the ground. team work is always good. talk, call the ball whether your yelling mine, yours, or spike. move your feet and staying on your toes always helps.

  8. Do 20 minute joggings, sprint, do quarter courts, sit ups, push ups, leg raises, jack knife, human weights and most of all, avoid fatty foods!

  9. a good aim always gets the ball over the net and u always want to keep your knees bent in ready position

  10. do a lot of puchups to build your uper body strenth to be able to serve and spike. Also a lot of streching will be good to make you be able to get to the ball faster. I am a volleyball coach and i have my kids run a lot so they can build up endurance and be quicker. Also running makes you faster and stronger.

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