
What are some Pros and Cons of Scuba Diving Classes?

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My little brother really wants to do it, but he is not sure. Oh and where can you find a completley black wet suit that covers head and complete body?




  1. Have you ever driven on the highway and seen those swamp like ponds on the side of the road, you inital thought is probly how nasty it must be. Well, i took my final suba test in one of those ponds. It was pretty crazy oh and did i mention it was november in canada. That would definatley be a con. All in all the experience was unforgetable.

  2. If he wants to do it then,lets see it can be really good fun in the sun or you can end up cold wet tired and puking your guts up and still have to wash all your gear off...It's what you make of it I guess...

    I have to say get it custom made though look around I don't know maybe the special forces look comes in a catalogue..

  3. If you're into it, all pros, no cons. As for the wet suit question, you can find suits that have an integrated hood or use a separate hood. A majority of suits are manufactured in black.

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