
What are some REASONS for NOT taking PIANO???

by  |  earlier

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I really want to quit my piano lessons. but my mom says i have to. she says im really good but IM NOT!!! at least i dont think i am. i need to focus on other things!

I really need this!!! please help!




  1. Tell her that piano doesn't interest you and you feel that you would like to try something else. Maybe strike a deal with her where if this "something else" you try doesn't work out, you can try piano again. You can also say that you need to concentrate on your school work more, or maybe get a job, if you're old enough. I'm sorry you don't enjoy piano lessons...I loved them and wish I still had time for them.

    Good luck!

  2. if your pianist teacher is a guy say he touched you and if its a girl say she touched you lol thats even worse  

  3. When I was little my mom made me take piano lessons. I absolutly hated them, and was able to convince her that piano was HER choice for me, and I should be allowed to make MY own decision on what instrument I play. Amazingly my words hit home and she allowed me to quit. I wish you luck in your quest to quit (I know how annoying it is to do something you hate)

  4. Gosh, I also take piano lessons :( My mom says I'll get credits in high school. Gosh, I really waste my time on the stupid piano rather then being with my frends and other stuff. I also have to focus on other things. Piano actuallt really helps u. What level r u in, I'm in level 4. If you're already really far off, don't quit, because all this time you were being tortured. Just tell her u wanna quit, and that u have more important thngs to do. Beg her, and do a puppy face so that she won resist and will let u quit. It alwys works for me XD

  5. tell her that you are offended by how the black and white keys arent all equal on the piano

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