
What are some Social and Cultural highlights of how Prehistoric people lived, and how this affected their art.

by Guest32927  |  earlier

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What are some Social and Cultural highlights of how Prehistoric people lived, and how this affected their art.




  1. They followed herd game until agriculture and animal domestication was discovered.

    They were nomadic hunter gathers and most art depicts the preferred indigenous game that sustained particular tribal communes.

    Ah yes and the carved figurines of various personified deities.

    I think the pregnant female form was the most common.

  2. Most prehistoric people were mobile hunter gatherers. This meand that their art tended to small and be portable, like the small venus figurines, or left in places that they return to year after year (cave paintings).

    The Paleolithic people who lived in Europe lived a lot like plains indians from about 30,000 years ago. They wore a lot of beads. It's a tendency fo moblie populations to make all their functional objects decoraitve, so clothes get very ornate, and there's a lot of jewellery involved.

    They seemed to carry around ochre grinders made from mammoth teeth, as well as mammoth bone drums.

    Also, their art seems to be fairly practical, as some of the cave art shows stars and may be a very basic form of calender.




  3. there's lots of cave art. it often depict the environment around them such as animals they hunted and observed.

    there's also evidence music such as flutes.

    and venus figurines are female statues with big bellies that are thought to represent fertility.

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