
What are some Strategies to help a dyslexic write without reversing letters?

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What are some Strategies to help a dyslexic write without reversing letters?




  1. I wrote this earlier but it seemed to fit this question too.

    Research has suggested that spelling is more visual than auditory, so.......if you want to learn how to spell correctly, which would take care of the letter and number reversals, then you need to focus on visual techniques of memory. One such method is when you focus your eyes straight ahead, look slightly to the right and ever so slightly up and look at the word card. Then you take a mental image (an actual picture click always seemed to work wonders with my students). Then you close your eyes and visualize the word in your minds eye. Spell it frontwards and backwards correctly to someone. Then open your eyes and look at a blank wall. Then project (like a movie) your mental image of the word onto the wall. Spell it out now. After this you have the word printed in your visual memory and it is amazing how even mentally challenged, learning disabled students can remember these vivid images the following days. Review is necessary to be extremely successful.

  2. In addition to visual methods, you could try using tactile methods too. Use as many different materials as you have access to in order to form letters (make sure the letters are formed properly!). For example, trace letters in sand or water or finger paint. Use playdoh to make models of letters.

    Try using joined up writing, then words and letters will 'flow' better, and you will learn to write common words by feel.

    To help with b/d reversal, remember 'bed'. If written correctly, you can draw a little man lying across the top of the letters. The sticks of the b and d form the head and foot boards. (google 'dyslexia bed' to get some pictures)

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