
What are some accomodations that can be made for a students with special needs after testing?

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I know before and during testing but I need some suggestions on after testing.Serious responses please.




  1. Well I am a little confused about the ? I will try to do my best to help you out .. I are you talking about scores ?? I think they are graded the same as other kids but from what I have heard they get longer and are able to ask?'s and they can use a calculator and most of the time they can take the test away from the other kids ..

  2. I'm sure it's going to depend on the state you are in.  I'm in Texas.  For those kids that maybe have a behavior plan, ADHD, etc., they can receive the accomodation to be tested individually or in a small group.  When they are finished with their test, they do not have to just "sit".  They can work on a quiet assignment, read, talk quietly.  We also have to consider the testing enviroment for the other students.  Hope this answers your question.

  3. allow retests

  4. ?

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