
What are some activist organizations in India and Peru?

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I would like to do community organizing and human rights law advocacy.

Anywhere in India or Peru is fine with me.




  1. Check out an organisation called the Human Rights Law Network, they have offices in Bangalore (in your other question you said you're moving here). There's also another place worth checking out that's the Alternative Law Forum.

    CRY - Child Rights and You is a very well known and sincere NGO too, but their hq is in Bombay, however, they do have a  Blr office.

    There's also something called HHS (some long Kannada name that I can never remember but they do a lot of work with legal assistance on women's issues like sexual harassment etc). Another well known activist organisation is Vimochana. You could also check out Dream A Dream which is for kids (more of a community thing than activism) ..

    there are actually tons so I can't list all .. maybe you can shortlist some organisations (or more specific issues) that sound interesting to you and I'll try to give you feedback on whatever I can .. I have some contact with NGOs because I do some work on the child abuse issue and also a lot of my friends work in the development sector.

    If you like check out my website Askios. I also have an e group (link on the website) where there are databases .. not huge ones but basic details about some of the orgs I'm aware of. Feel free to contact me for more info.

    You can also check out for a directory listing of ngo's I found it more helpful than the one first answerer recommended. And an organisation called sutradhar in bangalore has a directory called fingertips that has a good listing of legit ngos also. You'll need to google these names to get the url's I don't have them.

  2. India has one of the most progressive and vibrant immigrant communities in the world. For a list of NGOs, see:

    For a list of NGOs in Peru, see:

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