
What are some activites to do while babysitting?

by  |  earlier

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4 boys age





  1. get some toys and paly with them. But ask what do they like to do and maybe what ever they like doing and you show some intrest thats probably all you need to do. and it will occupy all of your time with them

  2. tell them a story, watch a film, make a cake or something, make some hand made instruments, make a smoothie, :D you'll find something.

  3. Boys love to play permitting take them outside and throw a baseball around, shoot some hoops play tag...I've also found that kids love to bake. Get out a good chocolate chip recipe and have them take turns dumping ingrediants in. Make them for their mom and dad but of course let them sample their work. Make a picnic indoors or outdoors. Make blanket forts...hopefully those are some fun ideas.

  4. They always seem to like hide & seek, tag, ANYTHIN outside & they like to make up games too. Get a small ball & make up some sort of game.

  5. Make paper airplanes, play ball (outside in the back yard), build a fort with chairs and blankets, read stories (adventure, sci-fi), make a "volcano" with a cup vinegar, red food coloring and some baking soda (again outside), color with crayons, play with play-doh, watch Disney movies, sing silly songs, play video games, go on a walk (nature hike) and collect acorns, twigs, stones and interesting leaves, have a jumping up and down contest (this will tire them out)!  Play go fish with a deck of cards or checkers.  Just use your imagination.  Kids this age love fun and games.

  6. If they have toys just play with them with there toys it may be boring but at least they wont be bored . Trust me, you don't want to find out what happens then.

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