
What are some activities i can do to strengthen my running?

by  |  earlier

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I'm only used to being on the sprint team but this year i signed up for cross country .. so what kind of activities i can do to test my strengthen in running (any method is okay i want something that will really test me )




  1. The best activity i can think fo for you to do is to actually run. Start Jogging Now to get back into shape, and then when the season begins, make sure you run every day. Stretch and drink alot of fluids before and after each run.

    When i trained for cross country (preseason) i would just go up and run each day a little bit longer than the day before. Eventually I was running up to 12 miles easily. Don't worry about speed right now, just work on your endurance until the season begins. But you have to start running asap.  

  2. swimming is really good because it gives you better lung capacity. stretching is so important so do that before and after your run. also work on your core such as push-ups pull-ups sit-ups, bycicle kicks, and planks. have fun in the season!

  3. Find the tallest building in your area and climb the stairs to to the top.  Do it until you can't go any farther.  Rest for one day and do it again but this time go farther, keep it up until you can repeat the process several times in a session.  I used to work in a 40 story building.  After work I would change into running clothes and climb the fire escape stairway.  In less than 6 months I was running to the top, riding the elevator down three times on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I have never been an athlete but that was one of the three or four times I have been in pretty good shape during my life.Just keep in mind that a sprint is anaerobic.  You can almost run 100 meters while holding your breath.  That won't work in cross country.  It is all about aerobic conditioning.  The length of time spent with an elevated pulse is more important than the degree of elevation.  In your case, it isn't simply toning up, you are preparing for athletic competition so you need both.Good luck and keep those lungs burning...  

  4. I did the same thing last year. I was one of the top sprinters on my track team and then i stwiched to cross country. I ended up being one of the top varisty runners. All i did was go to the practices your coach should know what hes doing and he will know how to push you. Make your you eat carbs and strech too. But if you want to do somthing before practicees start or in your off time just run and see how many miles you can get. Also once and awhile only run like 2 miles and see how fast you can push yourself to do it. Good luck!

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