
What are some acts that seem as Shirk, but actualy not.

by Guest65982  |  earlier

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Because Wahhabi's call everything as Shirk and Bida'a, what does not suit to their agenda is either Shirk or Bida'a.

Like Iblees called Bowing Adam pbuh was a Shirk, so Iblees is also known as a "Moohad" (موحد)




  1. Since I am Shia, many people tell me that I am a mushrik. It is so annoying because they are wrong and so many of them actually say it to me. I don't get it. Just because we believe in Imam Ali (as) it doesn't mean that he is our God. I think that they know we don't worship him, but they like to make differences between Shia's and themselves. I mean, I love the Prophet and Imam so much that it will never be as much as I love Allah. =)

    EDIT = Why don't you like Shias? They are Muslim just like you. A Muslim doesn't say that he/she hates people, let alone a Muslim.

  2. For wahabies Everything is SHirk Because they are backed by Jews.

    And if you want to know Read the All saood And the Hampher history.

    And The wahabies are thinking that we need Help From Moula Ali(as) Istagfurallah He is Not Our God.

    یا علی انت ولی

    But We are doing Tawassul.

    As it say in Sora Al fateha

    ایاک نعبدو و ایاک نستعین


    If you hate Us Or love Us We dont Care....

    By your like or dislike nothing changes to us

  3. (Shirk i.e.polytheism) is the greatest sin which will not be forgiven by Allah.

    Shirk implies ascribing partners to Allah or ascribing divine attributes to others besides Allah and believing that the source of power, harm and blessings comes from another besides Allah.

    There are three types of Shirk, namely:

    (1) Ash-Shirk-al-Akbar, i.e. major Shirk

    (2) Ash-Shirk-al-Asghar, i.e. minor Shirk

    (3) Ash-Shirk-al-Khafi, i.e. inconspicuous Shirk.



    (1) Ash-Shirk-al-Akbar (The major Shirk): The major and serious polytheistic form, it has four aspects:

    (a) Shirk-ad-Du'â, i.e. invocation.This aspect implies invoking, supplicating or praying to other deities besides Allah.

    (b) Shirk-al-Niyyah wal-Iradah wal-Qasd. This aspect implies inten-tions, purpose and determination in acts of worship or religious deeds not for the sake of Allah but directed towards other deities.

    (c) Shirk-at-Tâ'a. This aspect implies rendering obedience to any authority against the Order of Allah.

    (d) Shirk-al-Mahabbah. This implies showing the love which is due to Allah Alone, to others than Him.

    (2) Ash-Shirk-al-Asghar Ar-Riyâ' (The minor Shirk, i.e. acts performed to show off). Any act of worship or any religious deed done in order to gain praise, fame or for worldly purposes, falls under this minor form.

    (3) Ash-Shirk-al-Khafi (The inconspicuous Shirk). This type implies being inwardly dissatisfied with the inevitable condition that has been ordained for one by Allah; conscientiously lamenting that had you done or not done such and such or had you approached such and such you would have had a better status, etc.

  4. It is what some groups of faith will use as a weapon to make one seem like a sinner.

  5. Lets analyzethis issue with the help of Quran and Hadiths.

    37:86 Do you want [to bow down before] a lie - [before] deities other than God?

    5:55 Behold, your only helper shall be God, and His Apostle, and those who have attained to faith - those that are constant in prayer, and render the purifying dues, and bow down [before God]:

    9:112 [It is a triumph of] those who turn [unto God] in repentance [whenever they have sinned], and who worship and praise [Him], and go on and on [seeking His goodly acceptance],  and bow down [before Him] and prostrate themselves in adoration, and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and keep to the bounds set by God. And give thou [O Prophet] the glad tiding [of God's promise] to all believers.

    Allah’s Apostle ,PBUH said :” If I were to command a single person to bow in prostration to an other person, I could have commanded a women to bow down ( in obedience and respect , not in  worship) to her husband.”

    So, how can you prove your claim now?

  6. Prostrating to graves is a MAJOR sin but isnt necessirily shirk as wahaabis erroneoualy claim.

    Imam al-Dhahabi said:

    "The prostration of the Muslim to the grave of the Prophet is for the intention of magnification and reverence. One is *not* imputed disbelief because of it whatsoever (la yukaffaru aslan), but he is being *disobedient* [to the Prophet's injunction to the Companions]. Let him therefore be informed that this is forbidden. Similarly in the case of one who prays towards the grave." Mu`jam al-Shuyukh (1:73).

    1. The prostration of worship (sajda al-`ibada), for other than Allah, is absolutely and undeniably disbelief (kufr).

    2. The prostration of reverence or greeting (tahiyya), for other than Allah, is unlawful.

    In his Fatawa Radhvia, Imam Ahmad Raza (Allah have mercy on him) says that there are two types of prostration:

    1. Prostration of worship

    2. Prostration of Reverence.

    He says that Prostration of worship for non-Allah is kufr & Prostration of Reverence for non- Allah is unlawful.

    Further in the same book of Fatawa (vol 10, Page 180),he says that:

    “The prostration of reverence for other than Allah has been agreed to be unlawful in the Shariah, and all works [of Sacred Law] affirm its unlawfulness.”

    In the same volume of Fatawa (page 260), he says that:

    “Prostration of worship for other than Allah entails associating partners with Allah (shirk). The prostration of reverence is not shirk, but it is unlawful and a great sin (kabira). Its unlawfulness is proved by decisively-transmitted (mutawatir) Prophetic hadith and decisive texts of Sacred Law. I have narrated forty Prophetic hadith in my fatawa on the unlawfulness of this prostration and recorded a lot of clear rulings regarding this.”

    Fatawa Azizi makes it clear that there is a scholarly consensus (ijma`) of the Ummah regarding the unlawfulness of the prostration of reverence.

    Subhan Allah, how they rush to commit offenses with a vengeance! This is the Khariji plague and it survives today in the sects. A man said to Ibn `Umar, Allah be well-pleased with them: "I have a neighbor who bears witness against me that I commit shirk." He replied: "Say: 'La Ilaha illAllah,' you will make him a liar."

    Sawwar ibn Shabib al-A`raji said: I was sitting in Ibn `Umar's house when a man came and said: "O Ibn `Umar! There are groups of people bearing witness against us and attributing to us kufr and shirk." Ibn `Umar replied: "Woe to you! Did you not say: 'La Ilaha IllAllah'?!" Whereupon the entire household began to say La Ilaha IllAllah until the house was shaking.

    Abu Sufyan said they went to see Jabir ibn `Abd Allah who lived in Makkah and resided with the Banu Fihr. A man asked him: "Did you [the Companions] use to call anyone from the People of the Qibla [i.e. Muslims], 'Mushrik'?" He replied: "I seek refuge in Allah!" The man continued: "Did you call anyone from them 'Kafir'?" He said: "No!!"

    All three reports in Ibn `Asakir, Tabyin Kadhib al- Muftari (Saqqa ed. p. 373f.).

  7. And never pray thou for any of them that dies, nor stand by his grave; for they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were disobedient. (9:83)

    Holy Quran

  8. Mohd Ishfaq A, I'm also Hanafi, and I don't dislike Shia, Don;t be so rude.

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